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Repeat Module - Time Conflict Override Form

Repeat Module - Time Conflict Over-ride Form.

If your repeat module has a time conflict with a current or next stage module that you wish to take, it is recommended that priority is given to the repeat module.  However,  permission to override a conflict may be possible but this is at the discretion of the relevant repeat Module Coordinator / School and may be refused. If override permission is refused, students should be aware that they will have to drop the module that is conflicting with the repeat module.  The onus is on the student to resolve this time conflict.

Procedure to request permission to take a module that has a timetable conflict with a repeat module:

Instructions for student:

  1. Please download Module Registration Time Conflict Override Form
  2. Please complete Section A Student Details and sign.  
  3. Ask relevant Module Co-ordinator to complete and sign Section B - MODULE COORDINATOR/SCHOOL PERMISSION TO OVERRIDE TIMETABLE CONFLICT.

The signed forms can be submitted in 2 ways:

  • Signed version to be submitted to the College Office via the Student Connector as an attachment. 
  • Signed version can be handed into the College Office (room 122 Engineering and Materials Science Centre).

Registration will be completed by the College of Engineering and Architecture Office and students will be notified accordingly.

UCD College of Engineering and Architecture

Room 122 & Room 126, UCD Engineering and Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 1868 | E: eng.arch@ucd.ie