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Mason Hayes and Curran Access Law Leadership Challenge 2024

Lizett Polli image
Winning the summer placement spot has really launched my career. Thanks to the experience gained I aced an interview with MHC for a summer internship this year. It really was an incredible opportunity.
Lizett Polli, 2023 Summer Placement Prizewinner

Congratulations to our 2024 Prizewinners!

Hearty congratulations to this year's Challenge prizewinners!

The Access Law Leadership Challenge is a collaboration between the UCD community (UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, UCD Sutherland School of Law, UCD Careers and UCD Alumni Relations) and Mason Hayes & Curran. The aim of the Challenge is to invite law students to demonstrate outstanding leadership by championing diversity solutions in the legal profession.

The winning submissions are awarded paid summer placement opportunities, mentoring, and bursaries for reading materials.

2024 Access Law Leadership Challenge prizewinners holding their certificates

2024 Access Law Leadership Challenge Prizewinners receiving prize certificates from Gerry Kelly, Partner, Mason Hayes & Curran

Image (from left to right): James Starr Bourke, Kate Mulcahy, Éanna Brosnan, Gerry Kelly, MHC Head of Intellectual Property Team and Diversity Committee, Simon Conran and Melissa Donegan. (Not pictured: prizewinner Hisham Mohamed).    

White writing on a blue square reads

Suleman Khan image
I have a better understanding of the legal profession. My mentor taught me several extremely beneficial job search strategies. It helped me because I don’t have any family members working in the legal profession who I can ask those sort of questions.
Suleman Khan, 2023 Mentorship Prizewinner

University for All

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: UniversityforAll@ucd.ie