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Creating a University for All through Data and Research Evidence

University for All Data 

Download Now! Who Counts? University for All Data, Metrics, and Evidence 2020-20

Published 26th of May 2022, our report, 'Who Counts? University for All Data, Metrics and Evidence 2020-21', provides a comprehensive view of UCD's widening participation and access data spanning admissions, participation, progression, retention, outward mobility, completion and graduate outcomes. This report is the first of its kind in Irish Higher Education and offers the sector a roadmap for data gathering and dissemination. We measure what we treasure and UCD's commitment to being a University for All is evidenced in this report which offers not just the data but also analysis of trends and an overview of the qualitative measures of inclusion in UCD.

University for All is based on rigorous data collection and dissemination mechanisms developed in collaboration with UCD's Director of Institutional Research, Maura McGinn, along with colleagues in UCD Admissions, UCD Registry and UCD Access & Lifelong Learning. 

For UCD staff and faculty we also offer a companion report which provides disaggregated programme level data. This companion report can be found on the (opens in a new window)Registrar's Intranet and is for internal use only.

University for All

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: UniversityforAll@ucd.ie