Science, Research, Technology & Human Health

This course will appeal to those with a keen interest in science and in how research and technology can impact on human health. You will learn how scientifically driven investigations can advance our knowledge of disease prevention, detection and treatment. The programme will immerse you in modern medical and biological sciences, and focus on the application of scientific developments.
The flexible, modular structure of this degree allows you to specialise in the areas of investigative biomedical science that interest you, particularly in the later stages of the degree.

Course Features

  • Innovative, research driven curriculum
  • Delivered by experienced, expert staff
  • Small class groups
  • Opportunity to tailor programme to suit your area of interest
  • Excellent career opportunities

World-Class Research Environment

When you choose to study at UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science, you choose a world-class, student-focused learning environment.

Supporting Translational Research

The School aims to create an environment which supports world class translational research by providing excellent laboratory and clinical facilities resourced with expert support staff that includes post-doctoral fellows, research nurses, laboratory technicians and data managers. 

Facilities at the Belfield Campus

Students have access to modern research laboratory space within the UCD Health Science Centre, the UCD Charles Institute and the UCD Conway Institute.  These facilities are in addition to undergraduate teaching laboratories and support teams pursuing fundamental biomedical research.

Comprising more than 2,000 full-time enrolments and representing 85 different nationalities, our large and culturally diverse student community is the heartbeat of the School. 


Typically, graduates will follow scientific careers in biomedical research. They also have a high success rate for entry to Graduate Entry to Medicine programmes and pursue opportunities in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, as well as other areas allied to health.

Career pathways include:

  • Further education opportunities such as UCD Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) and Graduate Entry Veterinary Medicine.
  • Science teaching with further development pertinent to the educational level.
  • Government funded investment via the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions has established credible research career pathways in academia. As a research-intensive university, UCD currently has many students under taking doctoral studies per annum and it also employs post-doctoral fellows on funded research projects. Within SMMS, there are more than 250 doctoral research students and more than 115 post-doctoral fellows. Other Irish academic institutions have developed similar levels of activity. There are opportunities to undertake either Masters or PhD programmes within UCD or in other academic institutions.
  • Biomedical research in industry including pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies, clinical trials, drug testing and analysis.
  • Bodies that commission regulate or promote the Biomedical & Life Sciences for example, Science Foundation Ireland and the Irish Medicines Board.

Careers and Occupations 

The majority of the roles listed here will require the student to undertake further training following their first degree. A higher degree may also be a requirement in some cases.

  • Biomedical scientist - carries out laboratory tests on human samples to help clinicians diagnose illness and evaluate the effectiveness of the necessary treatment. Specialism can be in one of the following main areas: medical microbiology; clinical chemistry; transfusion science; haematology; histology; cytology; immunology and virology.
  • Research scientist (medical) - plans and conducts experiments to increase the body of scientific knowledge on topics related to medicine. Research scientists may also aim to develop new, or improve existing, drugs or other medically-related products.
  • Forensic scientist - examines contact trace material associated with crimes. Forensic scientists provide impartial scientific evidence for use in courts of law to support the prosecution or defence in criminal and civil investigations.
  • Toxicologist - plans and carries out laboratory and field studies to identify, monitor and evaluate the impact of toxic materials and radiation on human and animal health, and on the health and status of the environment.
  • Medical sales representative - increases the awareness and usage of a company's pharmaceutical and medical products, through working on a one-to-one basis with contacts and making presentations in settings such as general practices, primary care trusts and hospitals.
  • Scientific journalist - researches, writes and edits scientific news articles and features for business, trade and professional publications, specialist scientific and technical journals, and the general media.
  • Higher education lecturer - facilitates learning and carries out research activities in universities and some colleges of further education.
  • Developing a product / business

2023/24 Programme Requirements for BHLS Programme

This applies to students in the BHLS programme

The following compulsory programme requirements apply to each year of study, in addition to meeting academic criteria for admission or progression. 

These are as follows: 

  1. Health Screening & Vaccination.
  2. Commitment to Ethical & Professional Conduct including Confidentiality.

Current students must confirm that they are aware of the programme requirements and undertake to complete these in a timely fashion, normally during the first year. Failure to complete these may result in you not being able to take part in mandatory elements of the programme and delay your progression. 

By entering the BHLS programme, you agree to comply with UCD School of Medicine’s Infectious Diseases Policy. It is your responsibility to ensure you complete your Health Screening process, as outlined in the policy, in a timely fashion.  

More information

For information pertaining to CAO and Admissions, please visit myUCD.

Key Information:

  • CAO Code DN440
  • CAO 601-625 (2023)
  • Duration 4 Years
  • CAO Places 40

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