Course Features 

  • Facilitates physiotherapists in developing competence in referring persons for radiological procedures
  • Blended learning programme over a single trimester providing a flexible approach to accommodate busy healthcare professionals and clinical site planning
  • Programme designed specifically to meet CORU standards of competence in radiological referral
  • One day of attendance required in UCD

Course Overview

The Professional Certificate Course provides CORU registered physiotherapists with the requisite knowledge, skill, and competence to refer for radiological procedures safely and effectively in accordance with legal and professional regulatory frameworks and standards.

Facilitating appropriately trained physiotherapists to refer people for radiological procedures will result in fewer steps in the care of patients who require diagnostics, improve patient experiences and optimise the expansion of healthcare service provision.

This is a 10 ECTS* credit, level 9 NFQ** award which involves both theoretical and practical instruction followed by competency assessment. The programme is delivered using blended learning over a single trimester with start dates in September, January and May. The programme is delivered primarily by lecturers from the UCD School of Medicine in collaboration with national experts in referral.

Prior to applying to UCD:

All applicants must have the support of their local site in advance of applying and a signed Declaration form must be submitted at the time of application. This requires signatures of relevant stakeholders to ensure appropriate local governance arrangements are in place to support students on the programme.

Please note:

There are a limited number of places available on this programme. All applications will be reviewed after the closing date and offers made prior to the start of trimester.

The Irish Department of Health through the SlainteCare integration fund is funding the initial four cohorts to undertake this education programme, so HSE physiotherapists in specific clinical programmes will be given initial priority. Eligible applicants for the initial pilot programmes in 2024/25 will receive invitation letters to apply for the course.

* ECTS - European Credit Transfer System

** NFQ - National Framework of Qualifications

Key Course Codes

Code Entry
XA26 September
XA27 January
XA28 May


CORU registered physiotherapists with a clinical need to refer people for radiological procedures. Applicants must confirm relevant local governance structures are in place prior to application, including the support of a named clinical supervisor who will provide teaching, learning and competency assessment in the clinical environment. 

The course content will be delivered using a hybrid approach with eLearning materials available for learners to complete both in advance of and following a mandatory attendance day in UCD.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this postgraduate programme, students should be able to:

  • Critically utilise evidence-based knowledge and skill in conducting a person’s assessment and consultation to achieve a holistic approach to a person’s care when referring for medical radiological procedures.
  • Apply clinical decision-making skills in relation to referring persons for medical radiological imaging procedures within their scope of practice.
  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the legislative and regulatory framework associated with referral for medical radiological procedures, including professional guidelines, supporting safe practice.
  • Understand the role of the practitioner in the referral process.
  • Know the justification process.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of medical radiological procedures and their implication in a person’s safety.
  • Understand the principles of radiation protection of the person and staff.
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills and knowledge of the role of the multidisciplinary team management involved for the safe and appropriate use of medical radiological procedures.

This programme will be delivered as a blended learning programme. Conscious that students for the Certificate will be busy health professionals, the programme will involve a single day of mandatory attendance in UCD, with learners completing a series of asynchronous e-learning units online both before and after the day in UCD. Such a flexible approach will facilitate learners to engage with content in their own time.

Students will each be required to complete clinical practice under supervision of a competent referrer. Practical training will require learners to complete a minimum of 10 supervised episodes of referral, which are documented by the learner prior to competency assessment being performed. Practical competency is typically assessed by the designated clinical supervisor, who should be an experienced referrer, as defined by Irish legislation (SI 256, 2018).

Assessment of learning will also involve completion of a portfolio to allow students to document their clinical experience as well as theoretical knowledge assessment.

Entry requirements

  • Must be a qualified physiotherapist registered with CORU
  • Minimum experience: 5 years post qualification
  • Have written confirmation of the existence of a Local Implementation Group (LIG) to support clinical governance arrangements
  • Have written confirmation of the name and signature of the designated clinical supervisor. A supervisor must be a Registered Medical practitioner at, minimum, Registrar or Consultant level

Eligible applicants for the initial pilot programmes in 2024/25 will receive invitation letters to apply for the course.

Not applicable during the initial pilot programmes in 2024/25.

Applications should be submitted via the online application portal at

Applicants should also upload a completed Declaration Form, as part of the application including signatures from each of the listed stakeholders.

An in-person mandatory Study Day will be held on 11th October 2024.

Application deadline for Autumn intake: Monday, 16th September 2024

Application deadline for Spring intake: Monday, 9th December 2024

Application Guidelines - Physiotherapist Referral

Declaration Form - Physiotherapist Referral


SlainteCare are sponsoring selected applicants for the first four iterations of the course, so no course fees will be applied to the selected applicants. 

For further information, please contact

Key Information:

  • Major Code XA26, XA27 & XA28
  • Duration 4 months
  • Schedule Part-Time
  • Next Intake September 2024
  • Application by Monday, 16th September 2024