Student & Alumni Stories

Meet some of the current students and graduates that contribute to the enduring sense of community in our School.

We are driven not just by the desire to provide our students with the best possible research-led education but also by a belief that the health professionals of tomorrow benefit from a supportive, collegial environment, in which extra-curricular talents and interests can thrive alongside academic excellence.


Shauna_Galligan_Testimonial_Photo"UCD Medicine was my first choice as I knew that the academic staff, support and facilities on campus were excellent. An important factor for me was UCD’s partnerships with the Mater Hospital and St Vincent’s University Hospital - two of the leading acute hospitals in Ireland, where I knew I would get fantastic clinical experience and exposure during clinical placement. UCD’s reputation worldwide and opportunities for international electives were key factors - I really enjoyed a scholarship to do my summer clinical elective in America during my degree."

Shauna Galligan, Graduate

View our video to find out more information about our Medicine degree. 

Graduate Entry Medicine

ConorKennedyGradEntryMedicineStudentStage3"This was the perfect opportunity for me to transition from a career in consulting to a career in medicine. The clinical placements and comprehensive curriculum have provided me with invaluable hands-on experience in the best teaching hospitals in the country. I have also had the opportunity to complete clinical electives at top sites in the US. A variety of extracurricular opportunities, including research projects and summer schools, broadened my medical knowledge and developed my skills as a physician. The supportive faculty and collaborative student community have been integral to my positive experience as a student. I am excited for my future career in medicine."

Conor Kennedy, Graduate

View our video to find out more information about our Graduate Entry Medicine degree.

Biomedical Health & Life Sciences

Suk_Mun_Wan_(Vivian)_BHLS_2024"The Biomedical Health and Life Sciences degree at UCD offers a wide range of modules that focus on translational research in human health and disease. During my studies, I learned about the development, detection and treatment of diseases from expert researchers. I also had the opportunity to complete a research project in Lund, Sweden, where I was able to apply the skills and knowledge that I acquired, as well as experience working in a multidisciplinary team. This degree has prepared me to be able to work in many fields of biomedical science, with the ultimate aim of improving patient outcomes."

Suk Mun Wan (Vivian), Graduate

View our video to find out more information about our Biomedical Health & Life Sciences degree. 


JenittaJimmy1March2023"Diagnostic radiography is a multifaceted career pathway that incorporates healthcare, technology, and science. Campus facilities include 3D virtual reality rooms, anatomy labs, and a fully functioning x-ray room. From 1st year, hands-on experience in hospitals meant I understood how we play a critical role in patients diagnostic and treatment pathways. I had opportunities to work with multidisciplinary teams, gain greater confidence, and expand my skill set. Radiography offers a diversified working life with no two days the same. This course blends theory, practice and patient orientated care, with ongoing technological advancements, incorporating problem-solving and developing a versatile skill set."

Jenitta Maria Jimmy, Graduate

View our video to find out more information about our Radiography degree. 

Graduate Entry Radiography

GrainneMaloneGraduate"I was eager to work in a field that combined my love of STEM with patient-centred-care. Radiography offered a unique blend of both. From my first day in UCD’s custom x-ray room, to my final day of clinical placement in one of Dublin’s leading acute hospitals, I received an education that was second-to-none. I found the significant portion UCD’s 2.5 year course allocates to clinical placement to be of invaluable benefit. I attended 6 different hospital sites which included public, private, paediatric and trauma centres. Each experience allowed me to expand my technical and communicative skill set."

Grainne Malone, Graduate

View our video to find out more information about our Graduate Entry Radiography degree.