Graduate Research

UCD School of Medicine has a strong tradition of enquiry-based research. Our 180+ research funded staff have contributed to the development of approximately +€118 million external research funding in the last five years. Over 1,500 publications are produced per year. Our undergraduate students are encouraged to immerse themselves in structured medical research throughout their studies. We aim to shape world-class healthcare professionals as well as scientific innovators. Our focus is to understand and contribute to the development of new approaches to treatment and care to benefit patients.

For information on graduate research opportunities, please click here.
To find out about the Student Summer Research Awards, click here.

Programme Eligibility

A candidate seeking admission to the MD programme must hold a primary medical degree such as MB BCh BAO or equivalent.

A nominator shall propose a candidate, and the Clinical Research Degree Committee and the Head of the School of Medicine shall support a nomination, only when they are satisfied that:

a) the candidate is appropriately qualified and has the basic skills and competencies required to embark upon an MD;

b) the proposed topic of research is appropriate for the degree and congruent with the research capacity and expertise of the entity hosting the research;

c) the resources are available to support the proposed research activity;

d) appropriate supervisors and supervisory arrangements are in place to oversee the progress of the research.



  • The programme of supervised research leading to the MD degree may be pursued on a full-time or a part-time basis. The period of registration for the MD degree will normally be six trimesters for a full-time student, and twelve trimesters for a part-time student. Retrospective registration is not permitted.
  • The Principal Supervisor has primary responsibility for the academic supervision of the research degree student. Where appointed, the co-supervisor supports the Principal Supervisor in the academic supervision of the MD student.
  • Where a student is carrying out research for their MD degree in an entity not affiliated to UCD, for more than one continuous trimester, a member of staff of that organisation must be appointed as an External Supervisor.
  • Students on the MD programme must satisfactorily complete Research Integrity training.
  • The Clinical Research Degree Committee formally constitutes a Research Studies Panel (RSP) within the first trimester of the student’s registration. The purpose of the RSP is to provide advice, monitor the progress of the student, and support the supervisor(s)- student relationship.
  • The student, as required or recommended by their Principal Supervisor and as approved by the Clinical Research Degree Committee, may take suitable taught modules relevant to their area of research or professional development. These may include additional educational and training elements which develop the advanced knowledge, skills and competencies required for successful research and/or support the acquisition of generic or transferable skills. A student may undertake such taught modules up to a maximum of 20 credits over the course of the entire programme of study (there may be additional fees for registration to additional modules).
  • The MD degree is awarded by the Academic Council or its relevant committee on successful completion of a programme of research prescribed by the Principal Supervisor in consultation with the Clinical Research Degree Committee and the Head of the School of Medicine.


Application Details

Completed applications must be accompanied by an Administration fee of €150 (non-refundable). Further details are available on the application form.


For January Registration: Application deadline is 18th November

For May Registration: Application deadline is the 31st of March

For September Registration: Application deadline is 5th August


Please feel free to contact us at should you require further information.

Some useful links


Candidates for this degree are required to be admitted by the School of Medicine on the recommendation of the Professor. Candidates who have not graduated in this University may be admitted if suitably qualified.
No candidate can be allowed to enter on a course of study and research for the Degree of PhD unless he/she has reached a high honours standard at the examination for the primary degree or presented such other evidence as will satisfy the Professor and the School of his/her fitness.


  • The candidates shall pursue research for a period of nine terms but the Academic Council may accept a period of six terms in the case of a graduate whose attainments justify such shorter course.
  • The thesis must normally be prepared under the supervision of the Professor, but the School may, on the recommendation of the Professor, assign another member of the staff to supervise the candidate's research, under the Professor's general direction. The thesis must be prepared in the University, unless permission is given to the candidate to work elsewhere under the Professor's general direction. Such permission will only be given to candidates who have attended courses in the University for twelve terms before admission to the course for the PhD.
  • Candidates may enter for examination in January of the Year in which their work is to be examined; the time of examination to be arranged as may be convenient to the candidates and the examiners. If the thesis is not presented before the 1st February following, the candidate must re-enter.
  • Candidates are required to take an oral examination on the subject matter of their thesis.
  • This degree will not be awarded unless the examiners report that the work is worthy of publication, as a whole or in part.
  • Candidates for the PhD Degree will be allowed six years from the date of registration in which to complete their degree. Candidates must register and pay appropriate fees for each year of PhD study. Please refer to the UCD PhD Regulations and Guidelines for details.

Application Details

  • To apply for this programme, please ensure that you have fulfilled all the required regulations as detailed in the Academic Regulations available here
  • Complete the PhD Application Form (2024) and return to:
UCD School of Medicine
Room C123/ C124 Health Sciences Centre
Dublin 4

Telephone: +353 1 716 6600/ 6585/ 6589

For January Registration: Application deadline is 18th November

For May Registration: Application deadline is 31st March

For September Registration: Application deadline is 5th August

Please feel free to contact us via the above address/phone/email should you require further information.

Some useful links


Candidates for this degree are required to be admitted by the School of Medicine on the recommendation of the Professor. Candidates who have not graduated in this University may be admitted if suitably qualified.
No candidate can be allowed to enter on a course of study and research for the MSc degree unless he/she has reached a high honours standard at the examination for the primary degree or presented such other evidence as will satisfy the Professor and the School of his/her fitness.


Full Academic Regulations for the programme are available here.

Application Details

To apply for this programme, please ensure that you have fulfilled all of the required regulations.

Complete the MSc Application Form 2024 and return to:  


UCD School of Medicine
C123/ C124 Health Sciences Centre
Dublin 4

Telephone: +353 1 716 6600/ 6585/ 6589 E-mail:

For January Registration: Application deadline is 18th November

For May Registration: Application deadline is 31st March

For September Registration: Application deadline is 5th August

Please feel free to contact us via the above address/phone/email should you require further information.

Some useful links

Programme Eligibility

A candidate seeking admission to a course of study and research leading to a research master’s degree must fulfil one of the following criteria:

a) The candidate has obtained a minimum of an upper second-class degree or equivalent in a relevant honours Bachelor’s degree;

b) The candidate has obtained a relevant master’s degree;

c) In certain circumstances, the candidate has demonstrated other evidence of academic standing and/or relevant professional experience as satisfies the Governing Board of their suitability for admission to the degree programme. These criteria are considered non-standard admission requirements.


  • The candidate is nominated by their proposed Principal Supervisor. A nominator shall propose a candidate, and the Head(s) of School shall support a nomination and make a recommendation for admission of the candidate to the relevant School Committee, when they are satisfied that:
    • the candidate is appropriately qualified and has the basic skills and competencies required to embark upon a research degree;
    • The candidate has met both the University and School-specific English language proficiency requirements; 
    • the appropriate Principal Supervisor and, where relevant, Co-Supervisor(s) are nominated;
    • a provisional title of the thesis and a short description of the proposed research is provided;
    • the proposed topic of research is appropriate for the degree and congruent with the research capacity and expertise of the Principal Supervisor;
    • the resources are available to support the proposed research activity;
    • where the research is interdisciplinary, and more than one School is involved, all Schools concerned shall co-operate to provide these resources.
  • The period of registration for the Degree of Masters of Surgery (MCh) will be not less than three trimesters and not more than six trimesters for a full-time student and not less than six trimesters and not more than twelve trimesters for a part-time student. Retrospective registration is not permitted.
  • Students who do not complete the requirements for the Degree of Master of Surgery (MCh) within the maximum time permitted, must apply to the Governing Board, presenting justification, for permission to continue in the programme beyond the prescribed period of registration.
  • The Principal Supervisor has primary responsibility for the academic supervision of the research degree student. Where appointed, the Co-supervisor supports the Principal Supervisor in the academic supervision of the student.
  • If a research student is based for more than one continuous trimester off-campus in an external organisation including research institutes, industry laboratory or studio, government agency or non-government organisation and an Approved Adjunct Supervisor is not in place, a member of staff of the external organisation must be appointed as an External Supervisor.
  • Students carrying out their research external to the University have the same rights and responsibilities as those carrying out their research in the University. They may also be subject to additional rules of the associated institution.
  • The relevant School committee will formally constitute a Research Studies Panel within the first trimester of the student’s registration. The purpose of the RSP is to provide advice, monitor the progress of the student, and support the supervisor(s)-student relationship.
  • Degree of Master of Surgery (MCh) students must satisfactorily complete research integrity training.
  • The student, as required or recommended by their Principal Supervisor, may take taught modules relevant to their area of research or professional development. These may include additional educational and training elements which develop the advanced knowledge, skills and competencies required for successful research and/or support the acquisition of generic or transferable skills.

Application Details

  • To apply for this programme, please ensure that you have fulfilled all the required regulations as detailed in the academic regulations available here
  • Complete the Application Form and return this to:

Completed applications must be accompanied by an Administration fee of €150 (non-refundable). Further details are available on the application form.

MCh Application Form 2024

For January Registration: Application deadline is 18th November

For May Registration: Application deadline is 31st March

For September Registration: Application deadline is 5th August

Please feel free to contact us at should you require further information.

Some useful links

As part of a strategy of increasing research opportunities within our undergraduate programmes, the UCD School of Medicine offers a one year intercalated Masters in Medical Science degree for students of our medicine degree programmes. Please see details here

Excellence in Translational Research

Research training is now a prerequisite for many medical and scientific careers. We offer graduates the opportunity to complete a research degree in a multidisciplinary translational environment focused on increasing knowledge on the prevention and treatment of human disease.

Be Part of Ireland's Most Extensive Research Network

Graduate students carry out original research under the supervision of established researchers within our Research Institutes (ConwaySBI, Charles), our Research Centres on the Belfield Campus and at the School’s major teaching hospitals including St Vincent’s University HospitalMater Misericordiae University Hospital, CHI at Temple StreetCHI at Crumlin and the Coombe Women's & Infants' University Hospital, National Maternity Hospital, Holles St.Wexford General Hospital, and St Luke's General Hospital, Kilkenny

Flexible, Lab & Patient-Focused Research Programmes

Projects range from laboratory-based research in molecular medicine and cellular biology to patient-focused studies on the impact and treatment of disease.

Further education and skills development programmes are available to all research students through programmes in the School, the UCD Conway Institute and Molecular Medicine Ireland. Students also have the opportunity to hear from and interact with national and international experts at research seminars hosted by the School and the UCD Conway Institute.