Celebrating the 2024 Physiology Degree Graduation

UCD School of Medicine was delighted to celebrate conferring 26 graduands with BSc Degrees in Physiology and four BSc Science graduands at a graduation ceremony on Wednesday 4th September.

Speaking about the graduation, Assoc Professor John Baugh, Academic Programme Director, BSc  Physiology said ‘I would like to warmly congratulate our graduates and say how proud we are of them. These graduates will follow scientific careers in research, pursuing opportunities in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries and other areas allied to health. Some graduates have already secured MSc and PhD places in Ireland and abroad, as well as places in Graduate Entry Medicine. I would like to wish them all the best with their future careers.’

Congratulations to 2024 prize winners- Mia McCalmont, who was awarded the Physiology Society prize for the  best research project as well as the prize for highest GPA. Congratulations to Amber Cooke Allen on winning the student-nominated Physiology Student of the Year award. 

A brief celebratory gathering for students, family and staff was held at the Kevin Barry Gallery prior to the graduation ceremony.

Physiology students gain a thorough understanding of the organs of the body, and how they function, interact and respond to the internal and external environment during their four-year Physiology undergraduate degree programme. Physiology graduates are interested in how the cells and organs of the body operate and how their incredible array of processes co-operate to enable our bodies to function under normal and challenging circumstances. Physiologists are at the forefront of medical research and the search for a better understanding of disease processes.

Well done to all and best wishes for the next life chapter.