EDI News and Events

Explore the latest equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives at the UCD School of Medicine (SoM) through our EDI News stories.

Women in Medicine in Ireland Network opportunities

As you are probably aware the UCD School of Medicine holds a bronze Athena SWAN award. This award recognizes that the School has in place an action plan to address gender inequality in the School.

Despite the number of women entering medical school increasing since the 1980s it is well documented that women continue to be under-represented in certain specialties in the higher ranks of academic and clinical medicine. 

WiMIN (Women in Medicine in Ireland Network) is a not for profit organisation that aims to bring together women from all stages of their medical career, in all specialties and grades to share their experiences and to learn from each other. WIMIN aims to advocate and support all women in medicine to help them to achieve their career goals and to promote leadership and personal fulfilment.

The UCD School of Medicine is committed to addressing the gender inequality that exists in medicine. Therefore, we are offering to all final year female medicine students, or anyone who identifies as female, paid membership of WiMIN for one year.    

If you would like to become a member of WiMIN please fill in your details in the google form (link below) and we will process your application for you.

Furthermore, we are delighted to offer a number of paid bursaries to attend the WiMIN conference in Belfast this year on 5th October 2024. The bursary will cover the conference fee, which includes lunch/coffee and childcare if required.


If you would like to avail of the sponsored membership and/or one of these conference bursaries, please complete the google form https://forms.gle/DbZH3P66qZSjySXR9.

Please see below some thoughts from one of our students who attended last year:

One of the most special aspects of the WIMIN conference was that it brought together women at all stages in their careers - from medical students to the President of the Irish Medical Council. There was a real atmosphere of camaraderie and mutual support. It had a fascinating range of talks and I left feeling empowered and connected to an incredible network of women.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch on: edi.medicine@ucd.ie

Dr. Marie-Louise Ryan

Associate Dean for Equality Diversity and Inclusion, UCD School of Medicine

The UCD School of Medicine (SoM) EDI team was thrilled to see such a great turnout at this year's annual EDI Staff BBQ, which took place at the UCD University Club. It was wonderful to gather on such a bright, sunny evening, connect with colleagues and catch up on everyone’s summer happenings.

Group of staff at event in UCD University Club, glass walls and greenery          Group of staff sitting around table

During the occasion, Professor Michael Keane celebrated the 2024 UCD SoM Staff Awards and presented certificates to those who were there in person. A list of all awardees can be found below:

  • Teacher of the Year Award Biomedical Health & Life Sciences: Professor Bill Watson
  • Teacher of the Year Award Radiography: Assistant Professor Andrea Cradock
  • Teacher of the Year Award Physiology: Assoc. Professor John Baugh
  • Teacher of the Year Award Medicine Pre Clinical: Dr Tom Flanagan
  • Teacher of the Year Award Medicine Clinical: Dr Gillian Douglas
  • Professional Staff Award winner 2024: Isabelle Gunn
  • Technical Staff Award winner 2024: Dr Lili Li

We are excited to continue building our community and look forward to seeing everyone at our upcoming events throughout the year.

On 12 June 2024, members of the School of Medicine EDI Committee took part in an important workshop, safeTALK, held in the Charles Institute Boardroom.

SafeTALK is a half day interactive training workshop that prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first-aid resources. These specific skills are called suicide alertness. Participants learn how to provide practical help to persons with thoughts of suicide. Following a safeTALK workshop attendees are better equipped to perform an important helping role for someone with thoughts of suicide.

Facilitated by Fiona Lavin (Programme Administrator, Charles Institute and trained safeTALK presenter) and supported by UCD Student Advisor, Simon Gray, the workshop provided useful, practical and insightful information and prepared attendees to be suicide alert.

Thanks to Fiona, Simon and 3Ts (Turn the Tide of Suicide). 3Ts provides this training free of charge to interested groups and organisations. We highly recommend it.

On 1 May 2024 the first gathering of School of Medicine EDI sub-committee members took place in the Conway Institute Theatre.

Led by Marie-Louise Ryan, the School’s Associate Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, the meeting covered:

  • An introduction to EDI in the School of Medicine and Governance Structure
  • Insights into the Dignity and Respect Initiatives in UCD by Prof Cormac Taylor
  • Sub-committee Chair presentations by:
    Anna Truman – Organisation, Culture and Communication
    Dr Eoin Brennan – Career Progression
    Dr Fiona McGillicuddy – Gender Equality
    Dr Melinda Halasz – Student Engagement
  • Marie-Louise also presented a review of Athena Swan and the School’s gender analytics.

The sub-committee chairs shared the meetings and conversations that have taken place to date within their groups and mentioned some of their plans for the year ahead.

There was fantastic engagement and discussion during the meeting with several take away ideas to explore further.

Thanks to all who helped organise the gathering, those who presented and everyone who attended.


Well done and thank you to the great speakers and all involved in the UCD EDI Conference 2024: Tackling Racism and embracing Cultural Diversity and Intersectionality, held on Wednesday 20 March. So many great insights and examples of how we could be achieving more, better. Several School of Medicine staff attended the conference and the EDI Committee and Sub-Committees have much to discuss.

Professor Orla Feely, UCD President, opened the conference, highlighting the importance of EDI within UCD. The keynote speaker was Siobhan McKenna, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Public Appointments Service. Siobhan provided crucial data and successful process examples. There were panels and many more speakers and a consultation session opportunity for staff to feed into the development of the UCD Anti-Racism and Cultural Awareness Action Plan.

For a full list of speakers and activities, visit here.

To celebrate and support the importance of International International Women's Day 2024 BalloonWomen’s Day 2024, the UCD School of Medicine EDI Committee, led by Associate Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Marie-Louise Ryan, organised a series of events on Thursday 7 March at the Kevin Barry Gallery and Conway Institute lecture theatre.

This year’s theme is inspiring inclusion, and the day was a great success with excellent attendance and engagement from staff and students across the College of Health and Agricultural Sciences.

There were educational and inspiring presentations from five speakers who focused on women’s health awareness:

People sitting in lecturer theatre watching talk on International Women's Day 2024Radiography and Diagnostic Imaging – Medical imaging in Women’s Health:

Ann Fleming, UCD Assistant Professor and Lecturer – Gynaecology ultrasound
Éilish McDermott, UCD Assistant Professor and Lecturer – DXA scanning
Geraldine Redmond, UCD Assistant Professor and Lecturer – Breast imaging

Tackling the myths and misconceptions of menopause:

Catriona Keye, Advanced Practice Nurse, Scholarstown Family Practice
Dr. Deidre Lundy, Specialist in Women’s Health and Menopause, National Maternity Hospital

Dr Deirdre Lundy was recently named in the Top 100 for Ireland’s Most Influential Women.

Guests also enjoyed networking opportunities over tea/coffee, cake and lunch.

Thank you to all the speakers and guests for their time, Event attendees of International Women's Day 2024 using selfie frameenthusiasm and support.

Wishing all a happy International Women’s Day and highlighting the important role we all play in inspiring inclusion.

UCD provides many EDI support services. Below are the services focused on menopause support:

  • There’s a new eLearning course Menopause in the Workplace developed by The Menopause Hub was launched in February and is available for all employees on Brightspace. The training raises awareness about the menopause and its impact, supports available and other important information for employees, managers and HR teams.
  • There will be a series of menopause networking sessions over tea/coffee commencing on 14 March. You can network, get practical tips from guest specialists, share stories or just listen. All genders are welcome. For the first session, registered Dietitian and Nutritionist Gillian McConnel will talk about the importance of nutrition, tackle myths, share tips and recipes and answer questions. Register on the EDI website.

There is a dedicated UCD Menopause page for the policy, guidelines and resources.

Third image from top (L-R): Dr Marie-Louise Ryan, Dr Éilish McDermott, Dr Geraldine Redmond and Dr Ann Fleming.

School of Medicine Associate Dean EDI, Dr Marie-Louise Ryan, attended the CHAS Pride Coffee Morning on 27 February 2024 organised by UCD Veterinary Sciences Community and UCD CHAS. A great morning and a great gathering! Thanks to all those who organised the event.

Pride Coffee Morning CHAS Attendees      Pride Coffee Morning CHAS Speaker Next To Podium

Pride Coffee Morning CHAS Cake 




Movember walks marked each Wednesday in Movember 2023 Cake Sale Staff and Students

November, departing at noon from the Conway Institute. The initiative culminated in a bake sale event on Monday 27 November, all dedicated to raising awareness for men's health.

The effort was led by Professor Bill Watson (the moustached man in the group photo). Staff and students contributed a variety of cakes and treats, incorporating recipes from diverse corners of the globe, such as Germany, Sudan, Israel, Italy, and Ireland.



Cupcake at Movember Event      Cakes at Movember 2023 event

Thanks to everyone who made it to EDI catch-up in the Kevin Barry Gallery on Thursday 16 November. The occasion marked our School’s recent Athena Swan Bronze renewal and was a chance for us to get together and talk about upcoming initiatives in the EDI space.

EDI Coffee Morning at the Charles Institute      EDI Coffee Morning Nov 23 Attendees from the School of Medicine

EDI Coffee Morning Nov 23 Attendees      EDI Coffee Morning Nov 23

The UCD School of Medicine have officially received their Athena Swan Bronze Renewal Award. Congratulations to all those involved in the submission and for all the terrific EDI work carried out across the School.

Associate Professor Marie-Louise Ryan (Associate Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) and Associate Professor Marguerite Clyne (previous Associate Dean for EDI) co-chaired the School of Medicine Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team. They attended the awards ceremony where they received the award.

Associate Professor Ryan says, ''UCD School of Medicine's commitment to the Athena Swan Charter reflects our dedication to the support and promotion of gender equality, community and inclusion for all. We look forward to continuing on this journey of consistently setting ourselves goals to achieve, and actions to take, in this important area.''

The Athena SWAN Bronze, Silver and Gold awards testify to institutions’ and departments’ success in advancing the defined goals and a list of current Athena SWAN award holders in Ireland can be found here.

To find out more about the School’s Athena Swan Charter, please see here.

On 10 October 2023 we celebrated World Mental Health Day Plating Daffodils World Mental Health Day 2023in the School of Medicine. The theme was ‘Mental health is a universal human right’.

We had several activities at the Health Sciences Building for students and staff to get involved in. Thanks to all those who volunteered their time and energy to help throughout the day.

Let’s promote and protect everyone’s mental health, together.

Special thanks go to:

  • UCD Nutrition Society
  • UCD Chaplaincy
  • UCD Volunteering in the Community 
  • UCD Students Union
  • UCD Gamelan Orchestra





The UCD SoM EDI team was delighted to welcome so many colleagues to the annual EDI Staff BBQ. What a fantastic turnout to the event at the University Club on a bright, sunny evening. We look forward to seeing you all at our events throughout the year. 

