Biomedical Science

Academic staff within the School of Medicine are deployed within one of six academic sections which integrate across subject area and geographical location. Academic sections are managed by a Section Leader or by a local Site Lead.  



A substantial component of the School’s programmes is delivered by academic staff within the Biomedical Sciences Section, the largest academic section within the School which includes Human Anatomy, Medical Informatics, Medical Microbiology, Pathology and Physiology. Comprising approximately 50 academic and 35 funded research staff, this Section is responsible for much of the preclinical education with our Medicine programmes and contributes strongly to Physiology, Radiography, Biomedical Health & Life Science degree programmes. It also contains academic staff with expertise in molecular, proteomic, genomic, bioinformatics and computational biology. 

The Section coordinates the teaching of over 75 modules to over 750 students.  The majority of the School’s research activity and graduate programmes are also delivered by staff within this Section which has over 75 Graduate Research masters or doctoral students. The group is highly research active and contains a number of principal investigators based within the UCD Health Science Centre, the UCD Conway Institute, Systems Biology Ireland and UCD CASL.


The Biomedical Sciences Section is currently led by Prof Paul McLoughlin, Deputy Head of School, Head of Physiology.

Section Leader

Prof Paul McLoughlin 

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Subject Areas

Human Anatomy

Human Anatomy is primarily the study of the morphology of the human body. Our undergraduate teaching correlates the anatomical knowledge learned from independent study and cadaver dissection with the clinical application of anatomical principles, clinical skills sessions illustrating functional anatomy, surface anatomy practical sessions where group numbers allow, and integrate medical imaging in both dissection room and didactic teaching settings

Head of Subject: Professor James Jones


Medical Informatics

Medical Informatics is concerned with the convergence of healthcare, information and computer science. The subject includes the study of electronic patient medical records, bioinformatics and technologies arising from the ‘Omics revolution.

Head of Subject: Dr Patrick Felle


Medical Microbiology

The branch of medicine and microbiology that deals with the study of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites), which are of medical importance and capable of causing infectious diseases in human beings.

Head of Subject: Dr Koon Meng Chan



The detailed study of the cause (aetiology), mechanisms of development (pathogenesis), structural alterations in the human body and the clinical consequences of disease.

Head of Subject: Professor Bill Watson



The science of the function of biomolecules, cells, organs, and organ systems within the human body. An understanding of healthy function (normal physiology) is key to understanding disease processes and biological dysfunction.

Head of Subject: Professor Paul McLoughlin