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What are we doing about it?


These short videos are on the courses offered on Technical Communication in UCD. The first (MEEN 40670) is a lecture-based course the runs in both semesters (autumn and spring). The second is to an online version of the course (MEEN 40820) that can be taken by people outside UCD at any time. Contact barry.brophy@ucd.ie for more information.

Lecture based course: (opens in a new window)

Online course: (opens in a new window)


This link is to a study on how people will use stories in conversations but often not use them in presentations. We are currently engaged in other studies on infographics, what gets remembered from a presentation, and the hidden biases that affect the presenters structure their material. If you would like to know more, contact: (opens in a new window)barry.brophy@ucd.ie.

(opens in a new window)

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UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering

UCD Engineering & Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1884 | E: mme@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)