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Faculty Profiles

Dr Vincent Hargaden

Dr. Vincent Hargaden

Head of School | Associate Professor

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Assistant Professor Adam Boyce

Dr. Adam Boyce

Assistant Professor

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Dr Philip Cardiff

Dr. Philip Cardiff

Bekaert Lecturer in Materials Processing/ Associate Professor

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Professor Fengzhou Fang

Professor Fengzhou Fang

Full Professor of Precision Manufacturing

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Dr Fiona Freeman

Dr. Fiona Freeman

Assistant Professor (Ad Astra Fellow)

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Assistant Professor David McManus

Dr. David MacManus

Assistant Professor

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Assistant Professor Ali Saberi Mehr

Ali Saberi Mehr

Assistant Professor

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Dr Di Nguyen

Dr. Di Nguyen

Assistant Professor

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Dr Kevin Nolan

Dr. Kevin Nolan

Assistant Professor

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Professor Niamh Nowlan

Professor Niamh Nowlan

Full Professor of Biomedical Engineering

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Dr Kevin Roche

Dr. Kevin Roche

Assistant Professor

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Profile Picture, Dr Aasifa

Dr. Aasifa Rounak

Lecturer/Assistant Professor

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Assistant Professor Anton Van Beek

Dr. Anton Van Beek

Assistant Professor

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Xuehui Wang

Dr. Xuehui Wang

Lecturer / Assistant Professor

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Dr Javad Zeinali

Dr. Javad Zeinali

Assistant Professor

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Dr Nan Zhang

Dr. Nan Zhang

Associate Professor

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Profile photo of Dr Jinghang Liu

Dr Jinghang Liu

Visiting Lecturer/Assistant Professor

UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering

UCD Engineering & Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1884 | E: mme@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)