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ME Mechanical Engineering
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Mechanical Engineering

ME 2 Years Fulltime (T165)

The ME in Mechanical Engineering is a two-year professional engineering graduate degree. Graduates of the programme will be eligible for the title of Chartered Engineer (CEng). This programme is aimed at graduate Mechanical Engineers seeking to obtain a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering. 

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ME Engineering with Business
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Engineering with Business

ME 2 Years Fulltime (T166)

Engineering is viewed by many as an ideal preparation for a career in business or management. The ME in Engineering with Business offers a unique opportunity for engineering students to complement their technical expertise with a deep understanding of the business and management aspects of engineering practice such as operations, human resources, marketing and strategy.

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ME Energy Systems
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Energy Systems

ME 2 Years Fulltime (T164)

The ME Energy Systems programme prepares engineers for work in designing and developing future energy systems and aims to deepen understanding of the interactions between these systems and the environment and energy policy, taking account of economic factors. 

The scope of the programme includes analysis of global energy systems, use of finite natural resources and the impact on climate. It focuses on renewable and other energy sources such as wind, wave, nuclear and solar power and on the conversion, storage and transmission by electrical and other means.

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Natures Architecture
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Materials Science and Engineering

ME 2 Years Fulltime (T275)

Materials Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary field investigating the relationship between the structure of materials at atomic or molecular scales and their macroscopic properties. ME Materials Science and Engineering Programme assists manufacturing-based engineering by training students for work in industry sectors as diverse as biomedical, energy, electronic, automotive and aerospace.

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ME Biomedical Engineering
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Biomedical Engineering

ME 2 Years Fulltime (T160)

An interdisciplinary field, requiring knowledge of both living systems and engineering.  When studying on this programme, you will work with staff and researchers at UCD who have extensive experience in ground-breaking biomedical engineering research. You will also develop a knowledge of how the medical device industry is regulated and how new products are introduced to the market, drawing from experience within UCD which includes pioneering companies.

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College of Engineering & Architecture Student Connector
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College of Engineering & Architecture Student Connector

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Postgraduate Taught Programmes

Postgraduate Taught Programmes

We offer a range of specialised masters programmes, each with elective modules, so students can fine-tune their degree as they proceed through the system. These courses can also be taken as stand-alone one- and two-year masters by students with degrees from other Universities.

UCD School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

    UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering

    UCD Engineering & Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
    T: +353 1 716 1884 | E: mme@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)