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Thursday, 9 November, 2017

Number Reference Year
4-22 Hargaden, V. "The Role of Simulation Games in the Analytics Classroom", Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, 22nd-25th October 2017, Houston, Texas, (INFORMS Education - invited session). 2017
4-21 Makris, S., N. Papakostas and G. Chryssolouris, "Productivity", CIRP Encyclopaedia of Production Engineering, pp. 1006-1007, (2016) 2016
4-20 Hargaden, V. and V. Turkulainen, "Teaching Earned Value Analysis using a Classroom Based Dice Game" Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, 13th-16th November 2016 (INFORMS Education - invited session). 2016
4-19 Hargaden, V., A. Azaron and J. Ryan, "An Optimization Approach to Workforce Planning in Professional Service Firms", Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, 13th-16th November 2016 (INFORMS Computational Optimisation track - invited session). 2016
4-18 Hargaden V. and G. Onofrei, "Active Learning in Operations Management Courses – The Role of Web-Based Simulation Games", Proceedings of the 5th Joint World Conference on Production & Operations Management, Havana, Cuba, 6th-10th September 2016. 2016
4-17 Al-Rizeiqi, M., P.P. Walsh and V. Hargaden, "Quantifying the Benefits of Supply Chain Traceability in Oman Seafood Industry", 27th Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 6th-9th May 2016. 2016
4-16 Hargaden, V., A. Azaron and J. Ryan, "Demand Management and Optimal Workforce Scheduling in Professional Service Firms", Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, 1st-4th November 2015, Philadelphia, USA. 2015
4-15 Collins, A., H. Hayden and V. Hargaden, "Student/Industry Engagement Models: Transnational challenges and benefits for SMEs and students, with lessons learnt", Global Internship Conference (GIC), 9th-12th June 2015, Dublin (invited roundtable session). 2015
4-14 Hargaden V., A. Azaron and J. Ryan, "A Multi-Objective Approach for Staff Scheduling in Professional Service Firms", Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC), Nashville, USA, 31st May – 2nd June 2015. 2015
4-13 Rattner, E., P. Carroll and V. Hargaden, "Optimisation of Multi-Channel Support Teams using Linear Programming", Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, 9th-12th November 2014, San Francisco, USA (INFORMS Section on Multi-Criteria Decision Making - invited session). 2014
4-12 Coakley, C., E. Ambrose, and V. Hargaden, "Identifying the Characteristics of Lean Leadership – An Exploratory Study in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing", Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 9th-12th May 2014. 2014
4-11 Hargaden, V. and J. Ryan, "Professional Service Firms – Developing a Taxonomy for Workforce Planning", Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, 6th-9th October 2013 (INFORMS Section on Service Science - Invited Session). 2013
4-10 Hargaden, V., A. Azaron and J. Ryan, "Demand Management for Optimal Workforce Planning in Professional Service Firms", Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, 13th-16th October 2012 (INFORMS Section on Service Science - Invited Session). 2012
4-09 Hargaden, V., L. Nic Chárthaigh and D. Marshall, "Supply Chain Environmental and Social Sustainability: Determinants and Outcomes", Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, 13th-16th October 2012 (INFORMS Section on Energy & Environment - Invited Session). 2012
4-08 Hargaden, V. and J. Ryan, "A Rolling Time Horizon Approach to Workforce Planning in Professional Service Firms", Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Charlotte, 13th-16th November 2011 (INFORMS Cluster on Workforce Engineering - Invited Session). 2011
4-07 Hargaden, V. and J. Ryan, "Skill Mix and Cross-Training in Professional Service Firms", Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Austin, 7th-10th November 2010. 2010
4-06 Hargaden, V. and J. Ryan, "Modelling the Workforce Planning Process in Service Operations", Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, San Diego, 11th-14th October 2009 (INFORMS Cluster on Workforce Engineering - Invited Session). 2009
4-05 Hargaden, V. and J. Ryan, "Assigning Professional Service Workers to Teams – A Mathematical Optimization Model", Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, San Diego, 11th-14th October 2009 (INFORMS Cluster on Workforce Engineering - Invited Session). 2009
4-04 Hargaden, V. "Modelling the Workforce Planning Process in Professional Service Firms", New Directions in Business Research Symposium, UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, 18th May 2009. 2009
4-03 Hargaden, V. and J. Ryan, "Resource Planning in Professional Services Organisations", Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 12th-15th October 2008 (INFORMS Cluster on Workforce Engineering - Invited Session). 2008
4-02 Huei-Chuen, H., W. Verdini, F. Rodammer, E. Glantz, V. Hargaden and J. Dischinger, "Emerging Skills in the Supply Chain: A Model for Industry and Academic Collaboration", Council for Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) Annual Conference, 21st-24th October 2007, Philadelphia, USA. 2007
4-01 Makris, S., N. Papakostas, D. Mourtzis and G. Chryssolouris, "A software platform for the scheduling and control of repair shipyard activities", 1st National Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Conference, Greece, (2005) 2005

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