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Thursday, 9 November, 2017

Number Reference Year
1-72 Papakostas, Nikolaos, and Aswin K. Ramasubramanian. "Digital technologies as a solution to complexity caused by mass personalization." Design and Operation of Production Networks for Mass Personalization in the Era of Cloud Technology, 153.  2021 
1-71 A George, M Ali, N Papakostas. Utilising robotic process automation technologies for streamlining the additive manufacturing design workflow. CIRP Annals  2021 
1-70 M Pourmehdi, MM Paydar, P Ghadimi, AH Azadnia. Analysis and evaluation of challenges in the integration of Industry 4.0 and sustainable steel reverse logistics network. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 107808  2021 
1-69 AH Azadnia, G Onofrei, P Ghadimi. Electric vehicles lithium-ion batteries reverse logistics implementation barriers analysis: A TISM-MICMAC approach. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 174, 105751  2021 
1-68 T Vempiliyath, M Thakur, V Hargaden, Development of a Hybrid Simulation Framework for the Production Planning Process in the Atlantic Salmon Supply Chain. Agriculture 11 (10), 907  2021 
1-67 MJ Oltra‐Mestre, V Hargaden, P Coughlan, B Segura‐García del Río. Innovation in the Agri‐Food sector: Exploiting opportunities for Industry 4.0. Creativity and Innovation Management 30 (1), 198-210. 2021 
1-66 AH Azadnia, M Geransayeh, G Onofrei, P Ghadimi. A weighted fuzzy approach for green marketing risk assessment: Empirical evidence from dairy industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 129434  2021 
1-65 X Hu, C Wang, X Zhu, C Yao, P Ghadimi. Trade structure and risk transmission in the international automotive Li-ion batteries trade. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 170, 105591  2021 
1-64 C Wang, X Huang, X Hu, L Zhao, C Liu, P Ghadimi. Trade characteristics, competition patterns and COVID-19 related shock propagation in the global solar photovoltaic cell trade. Applied Energy 290, 116744  2021 
1-63  R Lyons, A Newell, P Ghadimi, N Papakostas. Environmental impacts of conventional and additive manufacturing for the production of Ti-6Al-4V knee implant: a life cycle approach. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 112 (3), 787-801  2021 
1-62  N Papakostas, A Newell, A George. An agent-based decision support platform for additive manufacturing applications. Applied Sciences 10 (14), 4953 2020 
1-61  N Papakostas, C Constantinescu, D Mourtzis. Novel Industry 4.0 Technologies and Applications. Applied Sciences 10 (18), 6498  2020 
1-60  C Wang, X Huang, MK Lim, ML Tseng, P Ghadimi. Mapping the structural evolution in the global scrap copper trade network. Journal of Cleaner Production 275, 122934 2020 
1-59  P Ghadimi, S O'Neill, C Wang, JW Sutherland. Analysis of enablers on the successful implementation of green manufacturing for Irish SMEs. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management  2020 
1-58  MA Rajaeifar, O Heidrich, P Ghadimi, M Raugei, Y Wu. Sustainable supply and value chains of electric vehicle batteries. Resources, Conservation & Recycling  2020 
1-57  N Papakostas, A Newell, V Hargaden. A novel paradigm for managing the product development process utilising blockchain technology principles. CIRP Annals 68 (1), 137-140 2019 
1-56  C Wang, X Zhang, M Wang, MK Lim, P Ghadimi. Predictive analytics of the copper spot price by utilizing complex network and artificial neural network techniques. Resources Policy 63, 101414  2019 
1-55  P Ghadimi, C Wang, AH Azadnia, MK Lim, JW Sutherland. Life cycle-based environmental performance indicator for the coal-to-energy supply chain: A Chinese case application. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 147, 28-38 2019 
1-54  M Andarkhora, AH Azadnia, S Gholizadeh, P Ghadimi. An integrated Decision-Making Approach for Road Transport Evaluation in a Sustainable Supply Chain. Iranian Journal of Operations Research 10 (1), 63-84 2019 
1-53 Chao Wang, Xinyi Zhang, Pezhman Ghadimi, Qian Liu, Ming K Lim, H. Eugene Stanley, The impact of regional financial development on economic growth in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: a spatial econometric analysis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019
1-52 Mourtzis, D., Papakostas, N. and Makris, S., 2019. Complexity in Industry 4.0 Systems and Networks. Complexity. 2019
1-51 Ghadimi, P., Wang, C. and Lim, M.K., Sustainable supply chain modeling and analysis: Past debate, present problems and future challenges. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 140, pp.72-84. 2019
1-50 Wang, C., Ghadimi, P., Lim, M.K. and Tseng, M.L., A literature review of sustainable consumption and production: A comparative analysis in developed and developing economies, Journal of Cleaner Production, 206, 741-754. 2019
1-49 Papakostas, N., Moneley, J.O.C. and Hargaden, V., Integrated simulation-based facility layout and complex production line design under uncertainty. CIRP Annals. 67, 1, 451-454. 2018
1-48 Ghadimi, P., Wang, C., Lim, M.K. and Heavey, C., 2018. Intelligent sustainable supplier selection using multi-agent technology: Theory and application for Industry 4.0 supply chains. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2018
1-47 Ghadimi, P., Toosi, F.G. and Heavey, C. A multi-agent systems approach for sustainable supplier selection and order allocation in a partnership supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 269(1), pp.286-301. 2018
1-46 Coughlan, P., Hargaden, V., Coghlan, D., Idris, A. and Åhlström, P., 2018. The role of OM EDEN in building the EurOMA community. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 2018
1-45 Azadnia, A.H. and P. Ghadimi, "An integrated approach of fuzzy quality function deployment and fuzzy multi-objective programming for sustainable supplier selection and order allocation". Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 11 (1), 191-200. 2018
1-44 Ghadimi, P., A. Dargi and C. Heavey, "Making sustainable sourcing decisions: practical evidence from the automotive industry", International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, pp. 297-321, 20, 4. 2017
1-43 Ghadimi, P., A. Dargi and C. Heavey, "Sustainable supplier performance scoring using audition check-list based fuzzy inference system: A case application in automotive spare part industry", Computers and Industrial Engineering, 105, pp. 12-27.  2017
1-42 Quinn, M., O. Elafi and M. Mulgrew, "Reasons for not changing to activity-based costing: a survey of Irish firms", (Vol. 1, No. 1, 2017), Psu Research Review, pp. 63-70  2017
1-41 Papakostas, N., G. Pintzos, C. Giannoulis and G. Chryssolouris, "An agent-based collaborative platform for the design of assembly lines", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (Vol. 29, No. 4, 2016), pp. 374-385.  2016
1-40 Pintzos, G., Triantafyllou, C., Papakostas, N., Mourtzis, D., and G. Chryssolouris, "Assembly precedence diagram generation through assembly tiers determination", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (Vol. 29, No. 10, 2016), pp. 1045-1057 2016
1-38  Hargaden, V. and J. Ryan, "Resource Planning in Engineering Services Firms", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, (Vol. 62, No.4), pp. 578-590  2015
1-37  Mourtzis, D., N. Papakostas, D. Mavrikios, S. Makris and K. Alexopoulos, "The role of simulation in digital manufacturing: applications and outlook", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (Vol. 28, No. 1, 2015), pp. 3-24.  2015
1-36  Papakostas, N., K. Georgoulias, S. Koukas and G. Chryssolouris, "Organisation and operation of dynamic manufacturing networks", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (Vol. 28, No. 8, 2015), pp. 1-9.  2015
1-35  Papakostas, N., G. Pintzos and C. Triantafyllou, "Computer-aided design assessment of products for end of life separation and material handling", CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, (Vol. 64, No. 1, 2015), pp. 185–188.  2015
1-34  Ghadimi, P., A. H. Azadnia, C. Heavey, A. Dolgui and B. Can, "A Review on the Buyer–Supplier Dyad Relationships in Sustainable Procurement Context: Past, Present and Future", (Vol. 54, No. 5, 2015), International Journal of Production Research, pp. 1443-1462.  2015
1-33  Efthymiou, K., A. Pagoropoulos, N. Papakostas, D. Mourtzis and G. Chryssolouris, "Manufacturing systems complexity: An assessment of manufacturing performance indicators unpredictability", CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, (Vol. 7, No. 4, 2014), pp. 324–334.  2014
1-32  Ghadimi, P., N. M. Yusof, M. Z. Mat Saman, "Methodologies for Measuring Sustainability of Product/Process: A Review", (Vol. 22, No. 2, 2014), Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology  2014
1-31  Mavrikios, D., N. Papakostas, D. Mourtzis and G. Chryssolouris, "On industrial learning and training for the Factories of the Future: A conceptual, cognitive & technology framework", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Special Issue on Engineering Education, (Vol, 24, No.3, 2013), pp. 473-485.  2013
1-30  Chryssolouris, G., K. Efthymiou, N. Papakostas, D. Mourtzis and A. Pagoropoulos, "Flexibility and Complexity: is it a trade off?", International Journal of Production Research, (Vol. 51, No. 23-24, 2013), pp. 6788-6802.  2013
1-29  Papakostas, N., K. Georgoulias and S. Koukas, "A novel platform for designing and evaluating Dynamic Manufacturing Networks", CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, (Vol. 62, No. 1, 2013), pp. 495–498.  2013
1-28  Azadnia, A. H., S. Taheri, P. Ghadimi, M. Z. Mat Saman and K. Y. Wong, "Order batching in warehouses by minimizing total tardiness: a hybrid approach of weighted association rule mining and genetic algorithms", (2013), The Scientific World Journal, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/246578  2013
1-27  Papakostas N., K. Efthymiou, K. Georgoulias and G. Chryssolouris, "On the configuration and planning of dynamic manufacturing networks", Logistics Research, Springer, (Vol. 5, No. 3-4, 2012) pp. 105-111.  2012
1-26  Papakostas, N., D. Mourtzis, G. Michalos, S. Makris and G. Chryssolouris, "An agent-based methodology for manufacturing decision making: A textile case study", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (Vol. 25, No.6, 2012), pp.509-526.  2012
1-25  Ghadimi, P., A. H. Azadnia, N. M. Yusof and M. Z. Mat Saman, "A weighted fuzzy approach for product sustainability assessment: a case study in automotive industry", (Vol. 33, 2012),  Journal of Cleaner Production, pp. 10–21.  2012
1-24  Papakostas, N., G. Michalos, S. Makris, D. Zouzias and G. Chryssolouris, "Industrial applications with cooperating robots for the flexible assembly", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (Volume 24, No. 7, 2011), pp.650-660.  2011
1-23  Papakostas, N., K. Alexopoulos, A. Kopanakis, "Integrating Digital Manufacturing and Simulation Tools in the Assembly Design Process: A Cooperating Robots Cell Case", CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, (Volume 4, No.1, 2011), pp.96-100.  2011
1-22  Ghadimi, P., N. M. Yusof and M. Z. Mat Saman, "A graphical user interface (GUI) for assessing the sustainability level of manufactured products: an automotive component case study", (Vol. 1, 2011), PERINTIS e-Journal, Special Issue on Science for Sustainability, pp. 13-19.  2011
1-21  Michalos, G., S. Makris, N. Papakostas, D. Mourtzis and G. Chryssolouris, "Automotive assembly technologies review: challenges and outlook for a flexible and adaptive approach", CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, (Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010), pp. 81-91.  2010
1-20  Papakostas, N., P. Papachatzakis, V. Xanthakis, D. Mourtzis and G. Chryssolouris, "An approach to operational aircraft maintenance planning", Decision Support Systems, (Volume 48, No. 4, 2010), pp. 604-612.  2010
1-19  Alexopoulos, K., N. Papakostas, D. Mourtzis and G. Chryssolouris, "A method for comparing flexibility performance for the lifecycle of manufacturing systems under capacity planning constraints", International Journal of Production Research, (Volume 49, No. 11, 2010), pp. 3307-3317.  2010
1-18  Chryssolouris, G., D. Mavrikios, N. Papakostas, D. Mourtzis, G. Michalos, and K. Georgoulias, "Digital manufacturing: history, perspectives, and outlook", Proc. IMechE Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture (Vol. 223, 2009), pp. 451-461.  2009
1-17  Georgoulias, K., N. Papakostas, D. Mourtzis and G. Chryssolouris, "Flexibility evaluation: A toolbox approach", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (Vol. 22, No.5, 2009), pp. 428-442.  2009
1-16 Papakostas, N., K. Efthymiou, D. Mourtzis and G. Chryssolouris, "Modelling the complexity of manufacturing systems using nonlinear dynamics approaches, CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, (Vol. 58, 2009), pp.437-440.  2009
1-15 Georgoulias, K., N. Papakostas, G. Chryssolouris, S. Stanev, H. Krappe and J. Ovtcharova, "Evaluation of flexibility for the effective change management of manufacturing organizations", Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, (Volume 25, No.6, 2009), pp. 888-893.  2009
1-14 Papakostas, N. and G. Chryssolouris, "A Scheduling Policy for Improving Tardiness Performance", Asian International Journal of Science and Technology, (Volume 2, No. 3, 2009), pp. 79-89.  2009
1-13 Alexopoulos, K., N. Papakostas, D. Mourtzis, P. Gogos and G. Chryssolouris, "Oscillator analogy for modelling the manufacturing systems dynamics", International Journal of Production Research, (Vol. 46, No 10, 2008), pp. 2547-2563.  2008
1-12 Mourtzis, D., N. Papakostas, S. Makris, V. Xanthakis and G. Chryssolouris, "Supply chain modeling and control for producing highly customized products", CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, (Vol. 57, No 1, 2008), pp. 451-454.  2008
1-11 Stanev, S., H. Krappe, H. Abul Ola, K. Georgoulias, N. Papakostas, G. Chryssolouris and J. Ovtcharova, "Efficient Change Management for the Flexible Production of the Future", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, (Vol. 19, No 6, 2008), pp. 712-726.  2008
1-10 Chryssolouris, G., N. Papakostas and D. Mavrikios, "A Perspective on Manufacturing Strategy: Produce more with less", CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, (Vol. 1, 2008), pp. 45-52.  2008
1-09 Alexopoulos, ?., D.Mourtzis, N. Papakostas and G. Chryssolouris, "DESYMA - Assessing flexibility for the lifecycle of manufacturing systems", International Journal of Production Research, (Vol. 45, No. 7, 2007), pp. 1683-1694.  2007
1-08 Alexopoulos, K., N. Papakostas, D. Mourtzis, P. Gogos and G. Chryssolouris, "Quantifying the flexibility of a manufacturing system by applying the transfer function", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (Vol. 20, No. 6, 2007), pp. 538-547.  2007
1-07 Giannelos, N., N. Papakostas, D. Mourtzis and G. Chryssolouris, "Dispatching policy for manufacturing jobs and time-delay plots", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (Vol. 20, No.4, 2007), pp. 329-337.  2007
1-06 Papakostas, N. and D. Mourtzis, "An Approach for Adaptability Modeling in Manufacturing – Analysis Using Chaotic Dynamics", Annals of CIRP, (Vol. 56, No.1, 2007), pp.491-494.  2007
1-05  Georgoulias, K., N. Papakostas, S. Makris and G. Chryssolouris, "A Toolbox Approach for Flexibility Measurements in Diverse Environments", Annals of CIRP, (Vol. 56, No.1, 2007), pp. 423-426.  2007
1-04 Lalas, C., D. Mourtzis, N. Papakostas and G. Chryssolouris, "A Simulation-Based Hybrid Backwards Scheduling Framework for Manufacturing Systems", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (Vol. 19, No. 8, 2006), pp. 762-774.  2006
1-03  Chryssolouris, G., N. Papakostas and D. Mourtzis, "Refinery Short-term scheduling with tank farm, inventory and distillation management: an integrated simulation-based approach", European Journal of Operations Research, (Vol. 166, 2005), pp. 812-827.  2005
1-02 Chryssolouris, G., N. Giannelos, N. Papakostas and D. Mourtzis, "Chaos Theory in Production Scheduling", Annals of CIRP, (Vol. 53, No.1, 2004), pp. 381-383.   2004
1-01  Chryssolouris, G., N. Papakostas and D. Mourtzis, "A Decision Making Approach for Nesting Scheduling: A Textile Case", International Journal of Production Research, (Vol. 38, No. 17, 2000), pp. 4555-4564.  2000

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