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Pezhman Ghadimi

Assistant Professor Pezhman Ghadimi‌

Assistant Professor Pezhman GhadimiAssistant Professor Pezhman Ghadimi received a M.Eng. degree in industrial engineering from University Technology Malaysia (UTM), in 2011 and a Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering and operations management from University of Limerick (UL), Limerick, Ireland, in 2015.

From 2012 to 2015, besides his Ph.D. research, he was employed as a researcher at Engineering Research Centre (ERC), UL, to conduct research in the area of knowledge management and product lifecycle management. He was actively involved in European research projects such as "amePLM: advanced Platform for manufacturing engineering and Product Lifecycle Management" and DREAM - simulation based application Decision support in Real-time for Efficient Agile Manufacturing.

He pursues theoretical and technical research on the area of supply chain and manufacturing sustainability where he develops and applies analytical tools and models such as simulation based models spanning from discrete event and multi-agent models together with mathematical modelling techniques to investigate the research agenda mentioned above. Besides, He performs research on the trends and challenges in implementation and adoption of sustainable consumption and production initiatives within industrial, business and social environments.

He has published over 45 peer reviewed journal and conference papers together with two books and book chapters. His works have been cited over 1300 times by other researcher in the field.

UCD Laboratory for Advanced Manufacturing Simulation and Robotics

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
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