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Enterprise Architecture

Interweaving Business and IT together

What is Enterprise Architecture?

What is Enterprise Architecture?

Enterprise architecture is the process that interweaves business and IT together. (Gartner)

It supports application and technology investment, procurement and delivery decision making across the University.

It creates a common understanding of the organisation, its enabling business capabilities, and dependencies on applications and technologies.

This allows both the business and IT to understand the opportunities, gaps, and risks, enabling better decisions faster.

How are we doing this?

UCD is a large, diverse organisation, supported by a complex digital environment comprising university-wide applications that are supported centrally by IT Services as well as a range of locally-supported applications.

Work is underway to map out UCD's Enterprise Architecture. At a high level this will involve:

  • Mapping applications to business capabilities (using the Higher Education Reference Model) to identify gaps & duplications
  • Identifying Application Business Owners and Application Technical Owners to clarify the governance and support structures
  • Using Application Portfolio Management to determine where investment in existing solutions is needed and to derive roadmaps for the future
  • Using Enterprise Architecture Principles and Technical Standards to inform, guide and govern the design and deployment of applications across the University
<br>Business Capability Model

Business Capability Model

Capabilities define what your business does or can do (not how it does it or who is doing it).

The Business Capability Model describes the complete set of Capabilities an organisation may require to execute its business model or fulfill its mission.

It is used to illustrate how business capabilities are supported/enable by applications and technologies, so that dependencies are understood.

UCD has adopted the Higher Education Reference Model (HERM).

<br>UCD Enterprise Architecture Principles

UCD Enterprise Architecture Principles

A set of UCD Enterprise Architecture Principles have been approved by the UMT Services Group to inform, guide and govern the design and deployment of applications and technologies across the University.  

Alignment with these principles is a requirement for all initiatives, from solutions in individual schools and units, to centrally-managed enterprise platforms deployments.  

Describes in detail the purpose, use and goals of the overall set of Enterprise Architecture Principles, as well as the rationale and implications each Principle. 

The abridged version of the Enterprise Architecture Principles should be included in all procurement requests for applications and technologies.

<br>Policies, Principles, Standards, Procedures and Guidelines

Policies, Principles, Standards, Procedures and Guidelines

The University has Policies, Principles, Standards, Procedures and Guidelines, to safeguard essential services, protect the privacy of students and staff, and comply with contractual requirements and legislation. These must be followed at all times.

A comprehensive library of Non-Functional/Technical Requirements are provided for projects led by IT Services, that are used in procurements to ensure that application and technologies being purchased or developed, align to the Enterprise Architecture and adhere to the Enterprise Architecture Principles. 

<br>Digital Solution Deployment Guide

Digital Solution Deployment Guide

A Digital Solution Deployment Guide provides customers looking to buy, develop, or deploy applications (and underpinning technologies) in UCD - outside of a project being delivered by IT Services

The Guide outlines the steps that should be followed, and requirements met, before the application is brought into use in UCD.

Applications being delivered by IT Services will follow the established IT Projects Planning Process.

Application Portfolio Management

Application Portfolio Management

An Application Portfolio is being built with information about the Applications (and underpinning technologies) in use throughout the University.

This information is being captured through engagements with units, institutes, and schools and colleges, and is ongoing work in progress.

This allows us to provide quantifiable evidence to inform decisions.

Architecture Models & Roadmaps

Architecture Models & Roadmaps

Enterprise Architecture, builds on the Business Capabilities model, capturing the Applications (and underpinning Technologies) that enables each Business Capability.

The Architecture is modelled in two states.  The As-Is represents the current state, the To-Be represents the vision of where we want to be.

A Roadmap is the plan to get from As-Is to the To-Be, on an iterative basis and driven by the benefits to the University.

UCD IT Services

Computer Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Contact us via the UCD IT Support Hub: www.ucd.ie/ithelp