Services and supports

View key support services tailored to our research students, including a dedicated Student Adviser and Career and Skills Consultant. UCD also offers resources to maintain your health and wellbeing and a series of further services available to all registered students.

Key Services

Find more information on key support services for our graduate research students


Staying Well

UCD is proud to offer a range of health and wellbeing supports to all registered students, including on-campus medical care, free and confidential counselling services, holistic health promotion, and Graduate Studies’ own online resource to support you in nurturing your mental, physical and social wellbeing during your graduate study.


Disability Supports

UCD graduate students with a disability or significant ongoing illness can access accommodations or supports by attending a short Needs Assessment meeting with UCD Access and Lifelong Learning. Accommodations and supports may include use of assistive technologies for taught modules, or scheduled breaks and access to food and drink during your Stage Transfer Assessment and viva voce – your Needs Assessment will determine the specific supports available to you. Additionally, you can work with your supervisor to establish meeting schedules, deadlines and feedback methods that suit your needs.

UCD Sports and Fitness

UCD has world-class sporting facilities and 54 sports clubs to choose from. These are for the most part student-run and student-led. Clubs provide a huge range of opportunities to train, play and compete in sport, no matter what your passion, ability or level.

Graduate student supports at a glance