When can I go on exchange?
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When can I go on exchange?

When you can go on an experience abroad during your UCD degree, will depend on the programme you are doing. The overview below will show the options you have for going on exchange. If you are interested in other opportunities than exchange, please review what else we have to offer here.

College of Arts & Humanities

  Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Course Semester Full Year Semester Full Year Semester Full Year
BA Joint Honors ❌   ❌   ✅   ❌   ❌  
BA International Modern Languages ❌   ❌    ❌   ✅  ❌   ❌  
BA Humanities ❌  ✅  ❌   ❌  


College of Business

 Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4
CourseSemesterFull YearSemesterFull YearSemesterFull Year
BComm ❌   ❌   ❌   ❌   ❌  
BComm International ❌   ❌    ❌   ✅  ❌   ❌  
BSc Economics & Finance S2 ❌  ❌   ❌   ❌   ❌  

S2: Only going in the second semester is a possibility (UCD Spring Semester).

College of Engineering and Architecture

 Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4
CourseSemesterFull YearSemesterFull YearSemesterFull Year
Engineering ❌   ❌   ✅   ✅   ❌   ❌  
Engineering Science ❌   ❌   ✅   ✅  ❌   ❌  
Architecture  ❌   ❌   ❌   ❌   ✅   ❌  
Landscape Architecture   ❌   ❌    ✅  ❌   ❌  
City Planning & Environmental Policy ❌   ❌   ❌   ❌  ❌ 

S2: Only going in the second semester is a possibility (UCD Spring Semester). 

College of Health & Agricultural Sciences

  Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Course Semester Full Year Semester Full Year Semester Full Year
Agriculture ❌  ❌   ✅   ❌  ❌   ❌  
Nursing S2  ❌   ❌  ❌  ✅   ❌  
Health & Performance Science S2  ❌   ❌   ❌   ❌  ❌  
Diagnostic Imaging ❌   ❌   ❌  ❌   ✅    ❌  
Sport & Exercise Management S2 ❌   ❌   ❌   ❌   ❌  
Health & Performance Science S2

S2: Only going in the second semester is a possibility (UCD Spring Semester). 

College of Social Sciences and Law

  Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Course Semester Full Year Semester Full Year Semester Full Year
BBLS/BCL International ❌   ❌   S2 ✅   ❌   ❌  
BSc Social Sciences ❌   ❌   ✅*   ✅*  ❌   ❌  
BSocSc Social Policy & Sociology ❌   ❌   ❌   ✅    ❌   ❌  
BSc Psychology (DN720) ❌   ❌   ❌   ✅    ❌   ❌  
BSc Economics (DN710) ❌  ❌    ❌     ✅     ❌  ❌ 

✅*: Dependent on the subject combination you are studying.

- EMS students may only go on exchange in Trimester 2 (Spring)

- PPE students can only go on exchange for a Trimester (either Trimester is okay)

S2: Only going in the second semester is possible (UCD Spring Semester).


College of Science

  Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Course Semester Full Year Semester Full Year Semester Full Year
Science                    ❌   ✅   ✅   ❌   ❌  
Computer Science ✅  ✅  ❌  ❌ 
BSc Sustainability S2

S2 - you may go in Trimester 2 only
