Erasmus+ ICM

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Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (or Erasmus+ Key Action 171) is a global scholarship and exchange programme funded by the European Union. The initiative supports the academic mobility of students and staff between Programme Countries (Europe) and Partner Countries (the rest of the world).

Every year, UCD has the opportunity to apply for Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility funding in partnership with institutions around the world. The funding obtained provides scholarships to students and staff to work or study with one of our partner universities. Please see the bottom of this page for a list of partner countries and institutions and any opportunities currently open. 

Who is eligible?

Erasmus+ ICM grants are available to:

  • UCD undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students to study abroad at Erasmus+ partner institutions
  • Undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students in Erasmus+ partner institutions to come to UCD
  • UCD academic staff ("teaching staff") and administrative staff ("training staff") to spend a period of teaching and/or training at Erasmus+ partner institutions
  • Academic and administrative staff from Erasmus+ partner institutions to come to UCD.

*Teaching staff are required to teach 8 hours per week at the host institution.

What does the funding cover?

Each selected individual participant receives a travel contribution based on the distance between the sending and receiving institution. In addition, each grantee receives a stipend based on the type and duration of grant they have been awarded. The rates are as follows:

  • Incoming and outgoing staff: €180/€190 per day for the first 14 days – for days 15 to 60, it is 70% (€126/€133) of the daily rate
  • Incoming students to Ireland: €900 per month
  • Outgoing students from Ireland: €700 per month

Additional financial support is available for participants with fewer opportunities (for example, students with disabilities or long term health conditions). 

Where can I go?

UCD currently has Erasmus+ ICM partnerships in the following countries:

Partner institutions Academic area Open for nominations
University of Connecticut, USA  These opportunities are suitable for faculty staff whose teaching or research interests focus on or include ethnicity, colonialism, human rights, globalisation, religion and conflict, languages and cultures or early modern Irish cultural history Open - deadline 25 September 2024. See information on how to apply here.
University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia These opportunities are suitable for UCD staff and PhD students from the Centre for Humanitarian Action only due to the nature of the project. Find out more here Open - contact 
University of Ghana, Ghana These opportunities are suitable for staff and PhD students from the UCD Centre for Humanitarian Action only due to the nature of the project. Find out more here Open - contact 
Université de Tunis, Tunisia  These opportunities are suitable for UCD PhD students from the College of Arts and Humanities to spend three months at the Université de Tunis.  Open - deadline 30 Septmber. See information on how to apply here
Agricultural University of Tirana, Albana These opportunities are suitable for UCD staff from the School of Veterinary medicine (now filled). Closed
Universitas Gadjah Madah, Indonesia  Single staff opportunity in the area of political science (now filled) Closed
Igor Sikorsky National Technical University of Ukraine Incoming exchange only Closed
University of Hokkaido, Japan These opportunities are suitable for staff and PhD student working in the area of one Health or public policy (positions filled) Closed
University of Tehran, Iran Incoming exchange only Closed
Vietnam National University (VNU), Vietnam Incoming exchange only  Closed
Hanoi University, Vietnam Single staff opportunity in the area of GIS (now filled). Closed

Additional calls will open as new Inter Institutional Agreements are signed with partners. Nominations for Erasmus+ ICM grants for UCD staff are open year round, dependent on funding availability. For more information about the application process please contact

Erasmus+ ICM funding lasts for 3 years, any funding leftover must be returned to the HEA. For more in-depth details on the application process please e-mail

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