How to go on exchange
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How to go on exchange?

Exchange applications for 25/26 will open in November 2024, please attend your relevant information sessions before applying. Further information will be release to you via UCD email in late September. 

Before you can go on exchange, there are quite a few things you will have to think about. UCD Global is here to help & guide students along the way. Learn more by watching our information sessions which can be found below.

Information Sessions 25/26

The UCD Global Exchange team will host several in-person information sessions throughout the Autumn trimester for those students wishing to go on exchange in 24/26. These sessions will also be released digitally and posted below.  It is mandatory for you to watch/attend the Application & Budgeting Session, the Exchange Research Session and your College/Subject-Specific session before you apply for exchange. You may refer to our FAQs as your questions are likely to be answered there. 

These sessions will be renewed for the 25/26 application, but if you are keen to see what content will be covered you can watch the below for now:

Arts & Humanities Talk - Watch Video

Social Sciences Talk - Watch Video

Architecture, LA and CPEP - Watch Video

Science Talk - Watch Video

Engineering Talk - Watch Video

Exchange Research Top Tips Session - Watch Video

Application & Budgeting Talk - Watch Video


  • 3.0 GPA is the recommended minimum requirement for students going on exchange, this may be lower or higher depending on your College, as you will also need to meet your College requirements which can be found on their own relevant websites
  • Generally, for students going on exchange in stage 3, the average GPA is calculated as follows:
    (Stage 1 GPA x 2) + (Stage 2 trimester 1 GPA) divided by 3
  • Our selection process is similar to the CAO system. The average GPA of successful students varies from year to year. Placement depends on your GPA, demand and the number of places we have at a university in a given year. 
  • We endeavour to place as many students as possible. However, please note our exchange programme is competitive and not all students will receive a conditional offer
  • Note, if you receive a conditional offer from UCD, you still need to apply to and be accepted by your host university. If you are rejected from your host university we will not be able to place you elsewhere

Before you apply:

  • Attend/watch your College-specific session and the Exchange Research session - these are mandatory 
  • Check the universities you can apply for on the UCD Global 'Where' page. It is your responsibility to research all of your options and make sure each university you list on your application is somewhere you would like to go
  • It is essential to research the courses they offer and make sure your subject is covered there, you're not allowed to study under another subject area whilst on exchange
  • Research the cost of living to ensure it is within your budget.
  • Contact the Erasmus/Exchange Academic Coordinator in your School for academic advice


  • Make sure you have watched the Application & Budgeting session before applying - this session is mandatory
  • Apply online on SISweb before the deadline. The application form can be found under the Programme Services menu and is called "My Exchange Application".
  • Applications are assessed primarily on academic merit

On the application form, you will be expected to do the following:

  • Select if you want to go for a full year/trimester 1/trimester 2 (you need to list the UCD semester that you will be going in)
  • Indicate your Language proficiency (if applicable)
  • Select your preferred subject (for joint major students) for your each choice
  • List the universities you would like to apply to - do NOT list anywhere that you would not be happy going to. Whilst we understand that you have your top preferences, we can't place everyone

Application deadlines can vary based on your programme and will be confirmed to you directly by the relevant UCD Global/Programme Coordinator.

If you have any questions about going on exchange or the application process, please make sure to check our UCD Student Exchange FAQs webpage.

Things to think about

The majority of our university partners have a page on their website outlining the cost of living at the university.  This is a great place to start when researching the cost of living of the area you are going to. Here is an outline of items to include when budgeting.

  • Tuition: You will continue to pay the UCD tuition fee. You will not have to pay the partner university tuition but there may be a small administration fee.
  • Monthly Costs: Accommodation, Bills, Groceries, Travel, Personal items
  • Incidentals: Insurance, Flights, Passport, Visa, Vaccinations, Study Materials

Please also come along to our helpful budgeting session!

The majority of universities will have a different academic calendar to UCD. Please ensure that you research the academic calendar for all of the universities you are interested in going to, especially for our European partners or if they are in the Southern Hemisphere.

An overview of the differences of academic calendars across Europe can be found in the following publication from the European Commission.

Before submitting your application, please make sure to check the language of classes at the universities you are interested in, as not all partner universities teach through English. Most of our university partners have a page on their website where you can check their language requirements.

If you do not speak the language of the country where your selected university is located, please check the course catalogue of the university to see if any classes are offered through English for your subject and the duration of exchange, and this document offers more information on courses offered in English in Erasmus partner universities.

Our partner universities will advise you on accommodation options before you go on exchange.  In some cases you will be offered on campus accommodation, however, at the majority of our partner universities you will be required to find your housing. The partner universities will give you tips and recommendations. Make sure to carefully follow any deadlines they might give you for registering for accommodation.

A visa may be required when going on exchange. The partner university that you are nominated to will assist you with this process. 

Within Europe:
Most countries in Europe are part of the Erasmus+ Programme. The Erasmus+ Grant is approximately €330 or €385 per calendar month depending on destination. The total amount is based on precise mobility dates. Some countries offer some other/additional form of financial assistance, e.g. France – students can apply for CAF (Caisses d’Allocations Familiales) to help with accommodation costs.

*Additional funding may be available for SUSI grantees and HEAR students. Students who have been selected for an exchange destination within Europe, will automatically receive more details about applying for the grant. This information will be sent approximately three months before departure.

Outside of Europe:
Scholarships are available to undergraduate students going on exchange to some universities outside of Europe. These universities are selected each year and will be promoted during our information sessions.

Some partner universities in Asia offer other scholarships which students can apply for e.g. DUO Scholarship in Korea, JASSO scholarship in Japan


UCD students who are selected to participate in outbound mobility and international internships must have appropriate travel insurance in place. This is in line with the recommendation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and is a requirement of Erasmus programme guidelines.

When purchasing your travel insurance policy, familiarise yourself with the coverage, terms and conditions and point of contact. It is also important to consider your insurance in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic as it differs from company to company. Make sure that your policy is valid for the entire period of your stay abroad.

You can find further details about insurance here and also watch our video for detailed information.

Support and Assistance While Abroad

To support and assist our students when traveling on university-affiliated trips, UCD maintains a partnership with International SOS (ISOS). ISOS is the world's leading medical and security consultation service. ISOS is not an insurance provider; it is an assistance provider.

As a registered UCD student, you are eligible to access the ISOS membership benefits free of charge. Before your travel, we encourage you to learn more about these benefits, download the ISOS App, register your trip with ISOS, and access the membership services to make the most of your travel abroad.

You can find out all you need to know here


For students who require additional disability support whilst you are away, we have listed links to our partner university services in the 'Where Can I Go?' documents.
