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Policies & Procedures

GDPR and Data Protection Related Policies and Procedures 

Policies & Statements

  • UCD Cookie Policy - This policy outlines our policy concerning the use of cookies on ucd.ie
  • UCD Data Privacy Statement - This statement provides you with information on how University College Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland (the ‘University’), captures and uses personal data. 
  • UCD Data Protection Policy - This policy is a statement of University College Dublin’s (UCD) commitment to protect the rights and privacy of individuals in accordance with the GDPR.
  • Data Request Policy - This policy sets out how the University responds to exceptional requests outside of standard business  practices, to authorise a person or party access to "Data”, via a data access request form, held in any University supported IT service or University owned device, whether it is provided directly by a University unit or is managed by a third party on behalf of the University. Please Note: To request a copy of your own personal data held by UCD, you can make the appropriate Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) (see link to procedure below).  
