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FOI Fees and Charges

FOI Fees

The University must apply fees/charges where the cost of retrieving records is significant (SRC) or where a request for an internal review of a decision is made (IR). 

In respect of personal records, no SRC or IR charges applies. In rare cases where there are a significant number of records, charges can be applied. In which case, the record holder when considering whether or not such a charge should be made, the means of the requester must be taken into account.

For all non-personal requests, where the estimated SRC is in excess of the “appropriate minimum amount”, currently €101, the charging of SRC is mandatory. 

Search and Retrieval and Copying (SRC) Fees
Fees apply in respect of the time spent searching and retrieving records that are released to you on foot of you request and in respect of the copying of any records released. Such fees are unlikely to arise if your request is for personal information.
The rates of these fees are as follows:

€20.00 per hour of search and retrieval
€0.04 per sheet for a photocopy
€10.00 for a CD-ROM containing copy documents
€6.00 for a radiograph (X-ray) containing copy documents

Ceilings applying re SRC

• There is a minimum threshold of €101 below which no SRC fees apply. Once the charge reaches €101, full fees apply;

• There is a cap on the amount of SRC fees that can be charged of €500;

• There is a further upper limit on estimated SRC fees at €700 above which an FOI body can refuse to process a request, unless the requester is prepared to refine the request to bring the search, retrieval and copying fees below the limit.

A charge applies to most internal and independent reviews (Information Commissioner) concerning access to non-personal records.

The rates of these fees are as follows:

Internal Review €30 (€10 if you are a medical card holder, photocopy of the medical card required)

Review by Information Commissioner €50 (€15 if you are a medical card holder, photocopy of the medical card required)

Charges do not apply for the following internal review requests:

  • an application in relation to a decision concerning records containing only personal information related to the applicant
  • an application in relation a decision under section 17 (right of amendment of records relating to personal information)
  • an application in relation to a decision under section 18 (right of person to information regarding acts of pubic bodies affecting the person)
  • an application in relation to a decision to charge a fee or deposit, or a fee or deposit of a particular amount

Contact the UCD Records Management and Freedom of Information

Roebuck Castle, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. Ireland
T: +353 1 716 8786 | E: foi@ucd.ie