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Gender Equality in UCD

Page Updated: 3rd September 2024 

University College Dublin (UCD) is dedicated to promoting gender diversity, equality, and inclusion within the University. To learn more about UCD’s efforts in advancing gender equality continue reading below.

UCD now holds an Institutional Silver Award

UCD has been awarded the prestigious institutional Silver Athena Swan Award in recognition of its ongoing commitment to advancing gender equality and building capacity for evidence-based equality work across all equality grounds, building on our Bronze Awards from 2017 and 2020. We extend our gratitude to the entire University community for their support and engagement throughout this process.

To achieve this accreditation, the University conducted a thorough self-assessment of gender equality challenges and demonstrated significant progress and impact since receiving our Bronze Award in 2020. Additionally, UCD engaged in consultations with employees and students, using their feedback to strengthen the application and guide the development of the Gender Equality Action Plan 2024 - 2029.

To view UCD's Gender Equality Action Plan 2024 - 2029, please click here.

Advance HE Ireland’s Feedback on UCD’s Silver Institutional Athena Swan Application

The awarding body, Advance HE Ireland, commended the University for its efforts in equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) across several areas. They recognized the strong structures and processes in place, including evidence of strong leadership and senior commitment, supported by clear governance structures such as the Vice President for EDI, Vice Principals for EDI, the EDI Sub-Committee of UMT, and various Sub-Groups and Working Groups within the EDI Unit.

Advance HE Ireland also highlighted the University’s advanced EDI data collection systems, which enable an evidence-based approach to identifying challenges and opportunities. Significant achievements under the last Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) included achieving gender balance across the Governing Authority (GA), Academic Council, and UMT; the appointment of UCD’s first female President; and notable improvements in gender balance at senior academic levels, with women at Full Professor level rising from 24% in 2019 to 32% in 2023, and at Professor level from 30% in 2019 to 44% in 2023.

The comprehensive review of the Dignity and Respect policy, which led to the publication of UCD’s new Bullying and Harassment policy and Sexual Misconduct policy in 2021, was also cited as a sectoral best practice. The subsequent establishment of the Dignity and Respect Support Service was similarly praised.

Guidance on using the Athena SWAN Silver logo in communications, including letterheads and email signatures, is provided below under the Athena Swan Ireland logo tile.

Additional Resources & Information on Athena SWAN.

With Horizon Europe, the Commission re-affirms its commitment to gender equality in research and innovation and sets gender equality as a cross-cutting priority. As a result, having a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) will be an eligibility criterion for certain categories of legal entities, including public bodies, from EU Member States and associated countries. This requirement will apply to all calls for proposals with a deadline in 2022 onwards. Horizon Europe has set out what it requires in a GEP with four mandatory process-related requirements as follows:

  1. Publication of a formal document
  2. Dedicated resources in gender equality
  3. Data collection and monitoring of gender
  4. Training and awareness raising on gender equality/unconscious bias

There are also five thematic themes that it requires an institution to address either in the GEP or broader EDI action plans (see Figure 1). The following statement demonstrates how UCD meets these GEP requirements in Horizon Europe.

Figure 1: Horizon Europe GEP Eligibility

Download the Horizon Europe - GEP Requirements document

Contact UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: edi@ucd.ie