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Page Updated: 15h August 2024 


UCD’s vision for EDI is to be a leader and role model in equality and diversity in the higher education sector nationally and internationally, and for EDI to be at the heart of all we do. The EDI Training and Awareness Raising Programme was designed with UCD's values and (opens in a new window)strategic objectives in mind and core objectives to "provide an inclusive educational experience" and to "attract, retain and develop an excellent and diverse cohort of students, faculty and staff." UCD has also committed to a number of actions around EDI-related training as part of its EDI Strategy and Gender Equality Action Plan.  

The EDI Training Programme, encompassing face-to-face sessions delivered both virtually and in person, and eLearning, is specifically tailored for our university community based on UCD's EDI commitments and your feedback. The programme includes a variety of EDI-related training and awareness-raising sessions, including dignity and respect, gender identity, cross-cultural communication, unconscious bias awareness, disability awareness, supports for parents and carers and more. Some of the workshops are the perfect introduction to EDI and others have been tailored for a particular audience, like managers or front-facing staff. The programme is in addition to the wider People Development training on offer in UCD.

Quotes from Participants:

  • Excellent course. Nuanced approach to a complex area. (Dignity and Respect for Managers)
  • Outstanding course, truly something very well put together and presented. (Being Aware of Our Biases)
  • Excellent. Probably top 1 or 2 of any trainings I've done. (Disability Awareness)
  • Very engaging and eye opening. It encouraged open discussion. (Gender Identity and Expression)
  • Really well run and structured. Informative as well as engaging. (Cross-Cultural Communication)
  • All of the EDI training I have taken so far has been excellent and I would highly recommend to colleagues.

How to Register and Access the Training

Face-to-Face Training

To register for live face-to-face sessions delivered by our expert external facilitators, visit the EDI Training Calendar page to register via the UCD booking system for sessions currently available.

Please note: participant names and email addresses will be shared with our internal and external facilitators upon enrolment. This is to allow our partners to share joining instructions and pre-course work as required, and to record attendance for us. For more information, please seeHR Privacy Statement.

EDI eLearning

EDI eLearning can be accessed on our Brightspace or LearnUpon platforms. The courses created for the UCD community include:

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education
  • Building a Respectful Culture at UCD
  • Let's Talk about Race in the Higher Education Sector
  • Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Employees
  • Menopause in the Workplace
  • Inclusive Recruitment and Selection (part of the Inclusive Recruitment Training Bundle)

Don't forget to check out UCD's (opens in a new window)LinkedIn Learning platform, which also includes a number of EDI collections curated by our specialist. 


Great care was taken to plan our EDI programme in line with UCD’s strategic objectives and priorities, best practice and feedback from our community. Please do not hesitate to contact us at (opens in a new window)edi@ucd.ie with suggestions for inclusion in our Programme and we will look into it.

We encourage participants to complete the evaluation survey after each course as your feedback is essential and will enable us to keep building on our programme and ensure that our offerings continue to meet the needs of our community.

Contact UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: edi@ucd.ie