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Page Updated: 15th August 2024 

*EDI online training counts towards the digital EDI Ambassador Badge*

"Equality Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education" (EDI in HE) e-Learning Programme 

The EDI in HE e-Learning programme is an interactive tailored online resource that aims to provide UCD employees with an awareness of key equality and diversity topics in a University context, and will complement future EDI awareness raising programmes, events and initiatives. This interactive modular learning tool will enable employees to consider and reflect on the part they play in building an inclusive culture in UCD. It features intuitive user-friendly navigation throughout five core content modules and each section contains video and multimedia stories and scenarios, interactive quizzes and online instant assessments to offer participants valuable feedback on their learning.

You can find out more about EDI in HE on this dedicated page.

(opens in a new window)Access the programme on Learn Upon (register with your UCD email address)

The Programme consists of four modules, each of 30-45 minutes duration, which can be completed either as an entire programme, or as a series of modules allowing participants to build up their knowledge over time at their own pace.

  • Module 1 "Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion": an introductory module providing a comprehensive overview of the importance and benefits of EDI and Human Rights and the legal landscape in which HEIs operate. 
  • Module 2 "Recruitment and Selection": this module is essential for any employee involved in the selection process (preparing job descriptions, advertising, interviewing etc.)
  • Module 3 "Meeting the Needs of Diverse Students in Teaching and Learning Settings": this module looks at meeting the needs of diverse students and outlines best practice tips on fostering equality in teaching and learning settings (e.g. on the curriculum or whilst dealing with sensitive topics)
  • Module 4 "Putting Policy into Practice": this module provides advice on how to bring EDI to life and on how to do an equality impact assessment, with particular focus on the areas of event management, disability, dignity and respect, race equality and gender identity.  

"Building a Respectful Culture in UCD" Brightspace Course

The online Dignity & Respect training "Building a Respectful Culture at UCD" was developed by UCD Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in collaboration with eLearning experts The Learning Rooms and subject matter experts in the University. 

This online course was created to raise awareness about bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct and to assist all employees impacted by these issues. The content was developed based on current UCD Policies and after extensive consultation with the UCD community.

The course consists of two parts:

  • Part I: Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct: Raising Awareness and Recognising Behaviours
  • Part II: Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct: Supports, Options and Being Active Bystanders

Employees can access this online course by going to Brightspace --> My Modules and clicking on "My Learning" (top left.)

"Let's Talk About Race in the Higher Education Sector" eLearning Course

UCD is committed to addressing racism and discrimination and strives to create a culture where these behaviours are not tolerated. The module "Let's Talk about Race in the Higher Education Sector" aims to raise awareness amongst university employees about racism, systemic inequalities and unconscious bias in higher education. Through contributions from experts and testimonials from those who have experienced systemic racism, this module will help employees understand racial bias so that they can take action to address it. Guidance for employees and leadership and further resources are also available as part of the module.

(opens in a new window)Access the programme on Learn Upon (register with your UCD email address)

The “Let’s Talk about Race…” course is part of a wider campaign to combat racism and discrimination in UCD. If you would like to find out more or contribute more actively in this area, you can take part in UCD’s anti-racism campaign and follow the work of the Anti-Racism and Cultural Awareness Group.

"Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing of Employees" eLearning Course

The eLearning course "Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Employees" was developed by the UCD Mental Health and Wellbeing Steering Group to help people managers and colleagues have conversations on mental health and signpost supports. The course aims to help end stigma around mental health, to encourage those with mental health difficulties to come forward and to give confidence to people managers in supporting people through signposting to relevant services and help.

This 30-minute course consists of three units:

  • Introduction to Mental Health and Wellbeing Concepts
  • Supporting Colleagues
  • Conclusion

(opens in a new window)Access the programme on Learn Upon (register with your UCD email address)

Menopause in the Workplace Brightspace Course

The "Menopause in the Workplace" online training was designed by the experts "The Menopause Hub" with education, empathy and empowerment in mind to raise awareness about menopause (including perimenopause) and to create a supportive menopause-friendly workplace where everyone feels included, valued and understood. The content relates not just to women, but our gender non-binary and trans colleagues who may also be affected by the menopause. 

There are three courses tailored to specific cohorts and you do not have to complete all three. 

  • If you are a UCD employee, please take the Colleagues Module
  • If you are a manager with one or more direct reports, please take the Managers Module 
  • If you work in Human Resources, please take the HR Module 

The UCD Menopause in the Workplace Policy and guidance material should be read in conjunction with the programme.

Employees can access this online course by going to Brightspace --> My Modules and clicking on "My Learning" (top left.)

"Equality and Human Rights in the Public Service" - Introductory eLearning Module

This eLearning module developed by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) will support staff working in the public service to further their knowledge and understanding of equality and human rights and the statutory obligations within the Public Sector Duty. The eLearning is self-paced and will take about 3 hours to complete. Learners will need to pass the assessment at the end of each unit and will receive a personalised certificate upon completion.

  • Unit 1 "Equality in the Public Service": introduces you to equality and the equality obligations of public bodies and explores issues facing staff and service users.
  • Unit 2 "Human Rights in the Public Service": introduces you to human rights concepts and human rights obligations of public bodies and explores issues facing staff and service users.
  • Unit 3 "The Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty": introduces you to the Public Sector Duty and the steps involved in its implementation

Access the eLearning now: (opens in a new window)https://www.ihrec.ie/elearning 

UCD LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is an e-learning portfolio of thousands of courses and tutorials taught by experts in creative and business skills. It supplements face-to-face and live virtual learning and provides an opportunity for UCD employees to deepen their knowledge on a number of topics of interest by accessing online video courses in their own time and at their own pace.

To learn more about LinkedIn Learning in UCD, visit the People and Organisation Development website

EDI have compiled a collection of LinkedIn learning courses on equality and inclusion (see below.) To access LinkedIn Learning you will need to log in with your UCD Connect username and password.

EDI LinkedIn Learning Collections

(opens in a new window)Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging

Content includes:

  • Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging 
  • Skills for Inclusive Conversations 
  • Communicating Across Cultures 
  • Unconscious Bias 
  • Be humble: Inclusive Mindset Practices 
  • Bystander vs. Upstander 
  • Diversity without Inclusion; Inclusion without Diversity 
  • How to Be More Inclusive
  • Managing Introverts

(opens in a new window)How to Engage Meaningfully in Allyship and Anti-Racism

Content includes:

  • Driving Change and Anti-Racism 
  • Inclusive Mindset for Committee Allies 
  • Confronting Bias: Thriving Across our Differences 
  • Difficult Conversations: Talking about Race at Work 
  • Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work
  • Be an Ally 

(opens in a new window)Skills for Inclusive Recruitment

The videos and courses included in this collection will provide upskilling in the area of recruitment and hiring, and will assist you in recruiting in an inclusive way. They can be completed in sequence or separately, at your own pace. 

Content inlcudes:

  • Fair and Effective Interviewing for Diversity and Inclusion (37 mins.)
  • Diversity Recruiting (1hr 5 mins.)
  • Uncovering Unconscious Bias in Recruiting and Interviewing (51 mins.)
  • Recruiting Diverse Talent as Hiring Managers (1 hr 4 mins.)
  • Virtual Interviewing for HR (46 mins.)
  • Inclusive Interviewing Processes and Questions (3mins 49 secs.)
  • Removing Bias from Job Descriptions (3 mins. 58 secs.)
  • Removing Bias from Interviews (3 mins 44 secs.)
  • Revising the Interview Process for Neurodiversity (3 mins. 48 secs.)
  • Accommodating Neurodivergent Candidates and Employees (3 mins. 41 secs.)
  • How to Conduct a Behavioural Interview (3 mins. 57 secs.)
  • Improve the Overall Candidate Experience (4 mins. 11 secs.)

(opens in a new window)Cultural Awareness and Cross-cultural Communication 

Content includes:

  • Communicating Across Cultures
  • Developing Cross-cultural Intelligence
  • Cross-cultural Communication within Teams
  • Collaborating Across Cultures
  • Giving Feedback Cross-culturally
  • Cultivating Cross-cultural Awareness in a Virtual Team
  • Encourage Cross-cultural Relationship Building
  • Understand Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
  • Communication and Cultural Differences
  • Cultivating Cultural Competence and Inclusion
  • Understanding Cultural Lens as a Tool for Avoiding Mistakes
  • Communicating about Culturally Sensitive Issues
  • High vs Low Context
  • Power Distance
  • Monochronic vs Polychronic 

This collection was created for International Women's Day 2024, but can be accessed at any time. 

(opens in a new window)Inspire Inclusion - Female Leadership and Empowerment

Content includes:

  • Strategies for Female Empowerment
  • Inclusive Female Leadership
  • Success Strategies for Women in the Workplace
  • Leadership Strategies for Women
  • Becoming a Male Ally at Work
  • Mel Robbins on Confidence 
  • Advancing Women of Colour

and more...

Contact UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: edi@ucd.ie