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Dignity & Respect Training in UCD

Training and awareness raising in the area of Dignity and Respect plays an essential role in enhancing an inclusive culture to allow everyone to study and work in a respectful environment where behaviours of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct are not accepted. UCD heavily invested in this area and commenced training people managers and those in signposted roles likely to receive disclosures in the Summer of 2022. There are a number of training courses for all employees, students and people managers both in person and online. Learn more below.

Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Training for People Managers (face-to-face)


  • "Excellent course. Nuanced approach to a complex area. Sent out a strong message that culture change in this area is a priority." 
  • "Really informative, valuable and thought-provoking, excellently facilitated"
  • "I’ve learned so much about behaviours which are not acceptable and how to navigate those situations and provide support to colleagues"

The face-to-face Bullying, Harassment & Sexual Misconduct disclosure training for People Managers launched in 2022 and is ongoing. The purpose of this full-day skill-based training is to ensure that people managers are equipped with the skills and knowledge to support individuals in each area impacted by bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct and to help facilitate a resolution at the earliest possible opportunity. It is essential that People Manager undertake this training. The comprehensive training is delivered by Andrea Adams Consultancy via virtual and in-person sessions in an interactive way and includes bespoke case studies and video scenarios. 

There are numerous sessions throughout the year for managers. If you are a people manager or Academic with one or more reports and haven't received the registration link via email from EDI, please contact (opens in a new window)edi@ucd.ie


Participants are asked to complete the 1-hour online Brightspace course "Building a Respectful Culture at UCD" in advance to gain an understanding of key issues around bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. See below for more information on this online training and contact (opens in a new window)edi@ucd.ie in case of any questions. 

Building a Respectful Culture at UCD (online employee course)


After completing the online training: 

  • 99% of participants would recommend this course to a colleague
  • 91% of participants feel more confident about recognising inappropriate behaviours (bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct)
  • 95% understand the importance of being an active bystander and would intervene in bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct situations, if safe to do so

The online course Building a Respectful Culture at UCD for all employees was developed by UCD Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in collaboration with The Learning Rooms, who help organisations design, build and deliver engaging online learning experiences. The course was created to raise awareness about bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct and to assist all employees impacted by these issues. We want to ensure that there is a common understanding of inappropriate behaviours and of everyone's responsibility to be active bystanders and to contribute to a culture of dignity and respect. The content was developed with eLearning experts based on current UCD Policies and after extensive consultation with the UCD community. 

The course is available to all employees and takes about one hour to complete. You will find it under "My Modules" on Brightspace. It consists of two parts:

  • Part I "Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct: Raising Awareness and Recognising Behaviours"
  • Part II "Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct: Supports, Options and Being Active Bystanders"

To complete this course, you need to complete Part I and Part II.

Active Bystanders Challenging Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct #NotInOurUCD (online student course)

This important online course for incoming first-year students was developed by UCD Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in collaboration with Academic colleagues, students and subject matter experts from key stakeholder groups. We want everyone in our community, including our students, to help build a culture where inappropriate behaviours are not tolerated and where everyone can safely intervene as an active bystander. 

The course is part of the Orientation Brightspace Course Welcome to UCD and takes about one hour to complete. It is divided in three sections covering what it means to be an active bystander and why it is important, as well as inappropriate behaviours of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. There are a range of supports available to students in UCD and we want to ensure that bystanders or people impacted by these behaviours feel empowered to take action.   

Contact UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: edi@ucd.ie