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Page updated 6 September 2024

WellUCD - Health Screening

This autumn, as part of our WellUCD initiative, Culture & Engagement in conjunction with our partners are offering a range of health screening focusing on overall health, heart health and cancer screening. Places are limited and offered on a first come first served basis for eligible members.

On-site Health Screening Programme for UCD Voluntary Income Protection Plan Members

UCD employees, who are members of the UCD Voluntary Income Protection Plan (VIPP), are now eligible for new health benefits as part of their membership. In 2024 we are launching a Health Path programme and later in November a cancer screening programme.

Health Path programme

The Health Path programme will be provided on campus by Centric Health by a nursing and specialist GP team. Members can only book their appointment via the link on UCD Workvivo.

This programme will be delivered in two phases:

  1. Nurse assessment – An initial fasting blood test (10-minute slot) at a designated time in the early morning is followed by the main assessment (30-minute appointment) scheduled on the same day.
  2. Follow doctor consultation delivered virtually (20-minute appointment) to discuss the test results with each participant and design a tailored action plan prior to dispatching the health report. The doctor consultation will take place approximately 2 weeks after the initial health assessment.

Screening Programme includes:

Online Health & lifestyle Questionnaire (To be completed in advance)

Nurse Assessment

Nurse consultation on lifestyle questionnaire

Blood Pressure & Heart rate

Height, Weight & BMI

Waist Circumference

Extensive Body Composition Profile

Single lead ECG – Cardiac check

 In-depth Blood Profile

Full blood count

Kidney profile

Liver profile

Lipid Profile (Full cholesterol breakdown)

Bone profile

Iron status

Diabetes Profile

Thyroid function

PSA Blood test for all males over 50 years old

Date: Monday, Sept 30 - Friday 11 October (Excluding Monday, 7 Oct.)

Location: Room 122 UCD Village, Belfield Campus

Eligibility: Members of the UCD Voluntary Income Protection Plan (VIPP)

Places available: 99


  • Places are limited and will be offered on a first come first serve basis to members of the UCD VIPP only.
  • Any employee who makes a booking and who does not attend without giving 24-hour cancellation notice will incur the full cost of the screen (€280).

To make an appointment, book via UCD Workvivo

** Please check your confirmation email for your appointment time.

For all queries, please contact (opens in a new window)healthpath@centrichealth.ie

Cancer Screening

Wellwoman (female screen) on week commencing 4 November and Wellman (male screen) on week commencing 11 November. Booking details will be published shortly.

Heart Health Screening for Laya Health Insurance Members

UCD Employees who are members of Laya Healthcare are eligible for on campus heart health screening.

Heart Disease develops in silence over many years and is usually very advanced by the time people experience any symptoms. People die suddenly from heart disease and very often before medical care is sought. However, Heart Disease is Preventable!

Statistics show that two people are lost to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) every week. Laya’s HeartBeat screen can help detect the underlying conditions that may lead to or cause Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

Screening includes:

  • Personal & Family History Questionnaire
  • Body Mass Index
  • Waist Circumference
  • Blood Pressure Recording
  • Physical Examination with a Medical Doctor
  • 12 Lead Electrocardiogram
  • Consultant Cardiologist Review & Report

Date: Monday, 7 October  

Location: Room 122 UCD Village, Belfield Campus

Eligibility: Members of Laya Healthcare 

Places available: 45 (some spaces may be available to non-members depending on demand)

NOTE: Places are limited. All Laya healthcare members are eligible for one Heartbeat screening every two years.

To make an appointment, book via UCD Workvivo

Heart Health Psychology Webinar

Living with a heart condition can affect all areas of your life. Making small changes to your lifestyle and diet can have a huge impact on your heart and health. Although there are treatments to help with coronary heart disease, the best thing is to look after the heart you have.

In this webinar we examine some of the lifestyle and diet factors that are risk factors to heart health and focus on how to make simple changes in your day-to-day eating habits towards a healthier heart.

Speaker: Pauline Bergin - Psychotherapist 

Pauline is an accredited Psychotherapist and supervisor. She has extensive experience in presenting to various groups around management of mental health.

Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Venue: Online

Eligibility: All employees

To make an appointment, book via UCD Workvivo

Contact Culture & Engagement

Culture & Engagement, UCD HR 3rd Floor, Roebuck Offices University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: engage@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)