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UCD Earth Institute announces new journalist-in-residence initiative for 2024

Published: Wednesday, 20 December, 2023

We are delighted to announce a new journalist-in-residence fellowship for the 2023-2024 academic year, a new initiative to provide early career and established journalists with the opportunity to work directly with environmental, climate and sustainability researchers in UCD.

The fellowship will allow two journalists to spend a full-time equivalent of one month at UCD in 2024.  We would welcome applications from freelance and employed journalists with at least two years of experience working in one or more media (print, online, radio, television, podcast etc) who regularly reports or writes about environmental d sustainability issues, climate change, science or technology in Ireland.

The goal of the residency is to strengthen the communication between journalists and researchers; to offer journalists the opportunity to learn more about Institute’s strategic projectsresearch themes, and members’ research areas especially interdisciplinary research; to encourage Earth Institute members and UCD researchers to learn more about public communication of their research; and to support high-quality journalism around environmental research.  The role is being offered to journalists, staff or freelance, active in any media format: print, radio, television, blog, podcast etc.

The journalist-in-residence will connect with the research and teaching communities at UCD, engaging with UCD Earth Institute members and strategic projects and UCD research groups, laboratories, and/or strategic projects working in environmental, climate and sustainability research, broadly defined.

Creating a Sustainable Global Society is one of the four strategic themes underpinning UCD’s 2020-2024 ‘Rising to the Future’ Strategy. The theme addresses critical global and local challenges relating to biodiversity, climate, water, food, the built environment, communities and work.  We would welcome applications centred upon these themes and related research and projects at UCD.

See our journalist in residence open call page for more information and to apply.