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College Awards & Prizes

The College of Engineering and Architecture has set up an Awards & Prizes Advisory Panel (APAP) to proactively identify and promote opportunities for nominating college members for awards, prizes, and recognition of their achievements, leadership and contributions. Through this initiative, APAP aims to assist schools and individuals in facilitating nominations. Another critical function of APAP is to ensure that accomplishments within the college are appropriately acknowledged and disseminated. To this end, APAP has developed an internal communications protocol for college members to use.

If you received an award, a prize or a recognition, please complete (opens in a new window)College Awards and Prizes Record Form on Google Drive. The information will be processed by APAP, and follow-on actions (e.g., publicity and celebration) will be taken if required.

If you have any enquiries, please contact Caroline Treacey by emailing (opens in a new window)caroline.treacey@ucd.ie.

UCD College of Engineering and Architecture

Room 122 & Room 126, UCD Engineering and Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 1868 | E: eng.arch@ucd.ie