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Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering Student Awards 2017

Wednesday, 1 November, 2017

Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering Student Awards 2017

The annual EGA Awards Ceremony celebrates the achievements of UCD Engineering students in a range of of academic and professionally-related endeavours. At the 2017 event on September 4, Clare Horgan, Eoin Codd and Deirdre Belton (pictured above (L-R), with Head of School, Professor Eoin Casey), from the 2017 BE graduating class in Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering, were presented with awards for excellence based on their performance during the final year of their degree studies:

  • Deirdre Belton: BMS Gold Medal in Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering 2017, awarded to the student ranking 1st in the BE graduating class.
  • Eoin Codd: PM Group Kevin Kelly Design Award 2017, awarded to the student achieving the highest mark in the capstone Design Project.
  • Clare Horgan: Carthy Graduate Research Project Award, awarded to the student achieving the highest mark in the Final Year Research Project.

BMS Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering Medal
Presented by Dr. Mary Moran, Director,  Manufacturing Science and Technology,  at Bristol-Myers Squibb, Swords to: Deirdre Belton, BE 2017

Carthy Graduate Research Project Award
Presented by Prof. Eoin Casey, Head of School, UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering on behalf of sponsor, Mark Carthy (UCD BE ChemE 1982) to: Clare Horgan, BE 2017

PM Group Kevin Kelly Design Award
Presented by Elizabeth Falvey (UCD BE ChemE 2002), PM Group Process Group Manager, to: Eoin Codd, BE 2017

AbbVie Achievement Award in Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering Practice
Presented by Louise Clarke, AbbVie Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist to: Ronaldo Lukason, Year 3 Student, 2016-17

Pat McAdam Scholarship in Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering
Presented by Assoc. Prof. Patricia Kieran, on behalf of sponsor Martin McAdam (UCD ChemE 1982) to: Emily White, Year 2 Student 2016-17
McAdam Travel Bursary
Presented by Assoc. Prof. Patricia Kieran, on behalf of sponsor Martin McAdam (UCD ChemE 1982) to: Catherine Galvin, Year 3 Student 2016-17

Carthy Travel Award
Presented by Prof. Eoin Casey, Head of School, UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering on behalf of sponsor, Mark Carthy (UCD ChemE 1982) to: Edwin Henry, Year 3 Student 2016-17.

Contact UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering

UCD Engineering & Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1825 | E: scbe.enquiries@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)