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IChemE All-Ireland Sports Day 2016

UCD Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering students (in white t-shirts), at the 2016 IChemE All-Ireland Sports Day at QUB.

On Friday October 7, a team of 20 UCD Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering students, led by UCD ChemEng Soc Auditor, Deirdre Belton and Stage 3 Class Representative, Aoife Conlon, travelled to Belfast, to represent UCD in the IChemE All-Ireland Sports' Day, at Queen's University Belfast. This is the 2nd such annual event, bringing together Chemical Engineering undergraduate students from all third-level institutions in Ireland - north and south of the border. It's an opportunity for students to network with their peers from other Chemical Engineering Schools/Departments, and also with representatives of the companies generously sponsoring the event: (opens in a new window)MSD and (opens in a new window)AbbVie.

As with the inaugural event at UL in 2015, this year's IChemE All-Ireland Sports' Day was a huge success! The QUB hosts had organised a very varied schedule, with sports ranging from basketball and soccer to the surprisingly competitive egg-&-spoon race! The UCD team, including students from Stages 2-4, performed most impressively, narrowly missing out on the winning trophy to UCC!

The UCD ChemEng Soc gratefully acknowledges the event sponsors, MSD and AbbVie and also the UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering for supporting travel to the event. Both thanks and congratulations are extended to the QUB hosts.

Contact UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering

UCD Engineering & Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1825 | E: scbe.enquiries@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)