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Message from Head of School

Today’s chemical engineer is directly involved in the transformation of natural materials and processes through the development and management of technologies for a broad range of products and services such as synthetic pharmaceuticals, fuels (including renewable energy resources), polymeric and inorganic materials, fine chemicals (for example, microchip manufacture), processed foods and beverages. The complementary field of bioprocess engineering represents a synthesis of the disciplines of biotechnology (utilising biological organisms to generate products, notably proteins and biopharmaceuticals) and chemical engineering (design for large scale industrial processes). Product design and sustainability are also key elements in both areas.

UCD School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering is the oldest and largest degree-granting school of its type in Ireland, offering professional degrees at BE (Honours, Level 8) level and, in its research intensive programmes and advanced courses, up to the level of PhD. The 4 year undergraduate degree programme is accredited by the UK based Institution of Chemical Engineers at the Masters’ level, which satisfies the full academic requirements for gaining Chartered Status. Since its beginning, over 1400 engineers have been trained and the School has thus played a crucial role in the development of the Irish economy, where the chemical, biochemical and allied industries are strongly represented. Undergraduate teaching is very much supported by the breadth of research currently underway in the School, and, in addition, the size of the School means that staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students can communicate freely on a day-to-day basis, fostering a culture of insight, encouragement, and openness.

Graduating students in Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering enter one of the strongest and most robust technological sectors in Ireland today and at the leading edge of the biotechnology revolution that has already started to impact upon the Irish economy and is projected to do so for many years to come. Graduates also have the opportunity to enter research either within the Masters and/or PhD programmes offered by the School or in top international Universities.

Dr. Jessica Whelan
Head of School

Contact UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering

UCD Engineering & Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1825 | E: scbe.enquiries@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)