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Dr Walter Kolch

Growing up in a small village in lower Austria, Dr Walter Kolch initially pursued archeology before switching to medicine at the University of Vienna. His interest in research ignited during a small project, leading him to an illustrious career in precision medicine and systems biology. As Director of Systems Biology Ireland (SBI) at University College Dublin (UCD), Kolch has significantly contributed to the field, particularly in understanding signalling networks. He is ranked among the top in the world for precision oncology and systems medicine, underscoring his global influence. Kolch’s career spans the pharmaceutical industry, research institutes, and academia, where he has driven innovative programs in systems biology and precision medicine, securing over 250 million euros in competitive grants. Notably, he founded the Sir Henry Wellcome Functional Genomics Facility in 2001, pioneering multi-omics data integration. He also served as Scientific Director of the RASOR proteomics project, a £15 million initiative, and has led various large-scale interdisciplinary projects funded by the EU and UK research councils. 

Kolch’s leadership extends to shaping precision medicine policy and funding at national and international levels, demonstrated by his role in strategic initiatives like Coordinating Action Systems Medicine and Infrastructure for Systems Biology Europe. Recognised with the 2022 Science Foundation Ireland Mentorship Award, Kolch's journey reflects his passion for understanding and solving complex biological problems, driven by curiosity and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. His career trajectory from medical professional to leading scientist highlights a consistent motivation to explore, experiment, and contribute to the scientific community’s understanding of the world.

See below for Current Research Challenges

Current Research Challenges

Dr. Kolch's Digital Twins project is revolutionising cancer treatment by using advanced computer models and artificial intelligence (AI) to create personalised treatment plans for patients. This project, which began nearly ten years ago and recently received a significant boost in funding, aims to develop "digital twins" for cancer patients. These digital twins are detailed computer simulations that predict how a patient's cancer will respond to different drugs, helping doctors choose the most effective treatments.

One of the biggest challenges in cancer treatment is drug resistance, where tumours initially respond to treatment but then grow back. Traditionally, this was thought to be due to genetic mutations in the cancer cells. However, Kolch's research has discovered that non-genetic factors, like biochemical memory, also play a crucial role. This means that cancer cells can remember being exposed to a drug and adapt to survive, even before genetic changes occur.

To create these digital twins, Kolch's team uses AI and machine learning to analyse various types of biological data from patients, such as genetic and protein information. By combining this data, they can build comprehensive mechanistic models that simulate a patient's unique cancer profile. These simulations can then predict how different drugs will affect the cancer, allowing clinicians to optimise treatment plans on the computer before trying them in real life. 

One striking application of this technology has been in neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer. The digital twins can predict disease progression and treatment responses with unprecedented accuracy. This personalised approach has the potential to enhance treatment efficacy and mitigate side effects and reduce healthcare costs.

Kolch's research blends basic science and practical application. On one hand, it involves developing new algorithms and validating them experimentally, which is foundational scientific work. On the other hand, once these digital twins are proven effective, they can be quickly applied in clinical settings, making cancer treatment more precise and accessible.

In summary, the Digital Twins project represents a transformative leap in cancer treatment, combining computational power and molecular data to personalise and optimise therapy, addressing drug resistance, and paving the way for more accessible, cost-effective medical care.

The Researcher

Dr. Kolch’s work in cancer research has led to several key discoveries. One of his proudest moments was during his postdoctoral research when he introduced the concept of dominant negative mutants. By inserting defective proteins into cells, these mutants could inhibit cellular processes, allowing scientists to study the role of specific proteins. This method, adapted from genetic research on model organisms, proved effective in human cells, showing that blocking certain proteins could prevent normal cells from becoming cancerous. This finding provided a valuable tool for cancer research by enabling the observation and understanding of cellular processes through disruption.

Another significant achievement in Kolch’s career was the pioneering use of mass spectrometry to map signalling pathways within cells. Previously, identifying a single protein could take many years, but mass spectrometry revolutionised this, enabling the identification of up to ten thousand proteins in an afternoon. This advancement allowed Kolch and his team to construct detailed maps of cellular communication networks, crucial for understanding how cells process information and respond to their environment. These signalling pathways are like social interactions within a cell, where proteins interact and convey messages, guiding cellular responses and adaptations.

Kolch’s innovative use of mass spectrometry not only identified these protein interactions but also provided insights into the complex networks governing cellular behaviour. By reconstructing these networks, his research offered a new level of predictability and understanding of cellular functions. This breakthrough has significant implications for developing targeted cancer therapies by revealing how cancer cells communicate and adapt.

Kolch’s research journey has been characterised by persistence and adaptability. He emphasises the importance of knowing when to pivot in research, recognising when efforts are hitting a wall, and exploring new approaches or projects. This mindset has driven his success, allowing him to remain flexible and open to interdisciplinary insights that can drive innovation.

Outside the lab, Kolch enjoys sports like squash and skiing and has a passion for theatre and gliding, hobbies that provide balance and inspiration. He is inspired by Rudolf Virchow, a pioneering pathologist who viewed the body as a "republic of cells," each working together for the body to function properly, highlighting the importance of cellular cooperation in health and disease. 

Future Research Aspirations

Dr. Kolch remains committed to advancing digital twins, a pursuit he expects to occupy his focus for the foreseeable future. Beyond this, his true passion lies in understanding how cells' remarkable adaptive abilities contribute to higher cognitive functions. He is particularly intrigued by how this evolutionary process shapes the rapid pattern recognition seen in humans and animals.

While driven by the overarching goal of contributing to cancer treatment, Dr. Kolch navigates between the intricate details of his research and the broader impact he aims to achieve. He emphasises the importance of periodically recentering on this ultimate goal amid the day-to-day complexities of scientific inquiry.

Dr. Kolch acknowledges that scientific discoveries can alter one's perspective on the big picture, shaped not only by personal insights but also by collaborations and external influences. He views collaborations as essential for fostering diverse perspectives and accelerating the pace of discovery.

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UCD College of Health and Agricultural Sciences

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: chas@ucd.ie