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On Thursday 5th September Healthcare activist Ms Missie Collins received UCD Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science for her valued contributions to the UCD led All-island Traveller Health Study and decades-long track record of advocacy for the Traveller community

Missie Collins is an Irish Traveller and has been a Pavee Point Primary Healthcare for Travellers worker for more than 30 years.To mark the occasion, Prof Cecily Kelleher, College Principal UCD College of Health and Agricultural Sciences, recorded a fireside chat with Missie to discuss her life and activism.
People standing on stairs posing for photograph
Lifeways Event

Lifeways Event took place on Friday 3rd February to celebrate twenty years of the project.

UCD College of Health and Agricultural Sciences

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: chas@ucd.ie