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Embracing challenges - Zou Jiangyu's journey

Monday, 29 July, 2024

Student: Zou Jiangyu
Major: Automotive Engineering
Stage: 1
City: Ankang

For me, the course is both challenging and exhilarating. Having spent three years in the USA, English isn't an issue for me, but other subjects push me out of my comfort zone. However, I thrive on challenges and find joy in all my subjects. Building strong relationships with my teachers is something I  value, and I cherish the opportunity to practice English with my classmates.

Competing is a passion of mine. Recently, I won the National Transportation Technology Competition in Shaanxi Province. This achievement has fuelled my drive to excel further.

After returning from the US, I had a lot of catching up to do, especially in preparing for the Gaokao exam. The adjustment was demanding, so I made sure to find time for exercise and relaxation. Running has become a vital part of my routine, helping me stay balanced despite a tight schedule. I manage to arrange my time effectively, allowing me to engage in activities beyond studying.

Looking ahead, I am eager to take on internships. This summer, I will be heading to Chongqing and Changchun for social internships. Additionally, I am thrilled about an upcoming college exchange program in Japan, where I'll spend a week. I also plan to spend three weeks at home in Ankang.

As I move into the next stage of my academic journey, my focus will be on improving my GPA and preparing for postgraduate studies abroad. Collaborating on projects with my teammates is something I look forward to, as it enhances my learning experience. Securing a summer internship is also a priority, as it will provide invaluable practical experience.

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